View Full Version : Daughter (11) got ear, helix part, pierced with a gun

19-03-19, 17:14
I'm after getting myself into a state of panic and I can't get out of it.

My daughter (11yrs) got her ear pierced today. Her upper ear, helix part.
She got it done in a piercing shop but the guy did it with a piercing gun.
I was googling it when I got home and read that you should never get that part of your ear done with a piercing gun, it should be done with a needle only.
Part of the reason is that it can damage the cartilage of the ear and possibly lead to infection.
But another issue I've read is that the gun can't be sterilized properly and can possibly lead to the spread of diseases such as hepatitis etc.
He did wear gloves doing it and the earring was taken out of a brand new unopened packet but I can't shake off this "what if" thought and I'm getting so worried.
My husband is doing his best to reassure me, saying that the shop has been there for years and if people were getting bad infections or diseases from it the shop would be closed down long ago.
And he also thinks there's no chance of anything like that happening anyway.

Can anyone advise me? Am I really completely over reacting? I have reacted in the past about things this way and there's never been any truth in it - that's the way my HA mind works at times.

Am I reading too much into this? Should I assume that my daughter is safe from any serious diseases or have I a cause to be concerned?
I don't know what to do here.

19-03-19, 17:22
Pretty sure that anywhere who gave their clients life-threatening diseases would be shut down in short order.

I think this is just your HA running away with you.

19-03-19, 18:34
Am I reading too much into this?

Not only that but you've uncovered the Dead Sea Scrolls of the Anxiety Library :shades:

Positive thoughts

19-03-19, 18:43
Do they really let 11 years olds get this done? Amazing.

19-03-19, 23:59
I was only a couple years older than your daughter when I had the same part pierced with a gun also. Not ideal admittedly in regards to the best protocol for piercing, especially with healing. That being said I still have the piercing well over 10 years later. I knew it wasn’t great at the time but they were the only place that would do it without ID.

Keep good aftercare as with any piercing and I’m sure it will be fine.

Positive vibes,


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