View Full Version : Lung cancer worries

19-03-19, 19:04
I honestly hoped that I would never need to post here again but here we are. I'm a 21 year old male and I'm once again terrified of the idea of having cancer. This morning I coughed up a brownish colour that is apparently a symptom of ling cancer. I want to believe that it was just the coffee I had but the hypochondriac in me is convinced that it is something else. Additionally I have a tightness in my chest that has been on and off for the past year or so. Sometimes it gets tighter when I breathe deep and other times it doesn't. Just terrified that this may be the end.

19-03-19, 20:01
I really don't think it is the end to be honest.

You don't say whether you smoke or not?

19-03-19, 20:19
I'm sure you'd know the difference between the taste of coffee and blood? :shrug:

19-03-19, 21:17
There are probably a hundred brown things you can cough up on the list before you get to cancer. Dust. Coffee. Sinus drainage. Being 21 and jumping to cancer would be like me thinking you have a shark in your bathtub. Technically possible, but EXTREMELY unlikely.

20-03-19, 00:48
I've never smoked before but my dad is a heavy smoker so I've had second hand exposure before.