View Full Version : Waves of nausea

19-03-19, 21:02
So for about a week I have been having waves of horrible nausea daily. I will be fine and then it hits me, I feel so sick and just want to lay down. It can last for a few hours and happen a few times in a day. Sometimes it feels like something is in my throat or like my top is hugging my neck - which it isn’t. I haven’t actually been sick but I feel that if I was over a toilet then I would be.

As well as think I get head pains, random ones in different places. I am sure something horrible is wrong. I have been to the doctors and he said my symptoms are non specific, he has ordered my bloods and we will see what that says.

This all started last week, I wasn’t anxious or worrying about anything so I don’t believe it’s that.

It’s horrible, I also feel so tired all the time.

19-03-19, 21:40
I hope the doctor can find out what's wrong :hugs:

19-03-19, 22:00
You mentioned waves of nausea and headaches which move around... Then mentioned you think something is horribly wrong? By this, are you hinting at "brain tumour"? If so, definitely not no. The nausea associated with a BT, once it starts, is progressive and includes vomiting (the increased pressure in the skull stretches the meninges, puts pressure on the "vomiting centre" is the thought) so, as you can see, this would not come and go.

You'd probably have dizziness and vision troubles as well.

IMHO, you possibly at the absolute worst have gastritis. Maybe reflux, although your symptoms aren't really consistent. But most likely anxiety.

Good luck

20-03-19, 00:48
The waves of nausea plus the feeling in your throat sound like reflux. I get both nausea and a tightness in my throat/feeling I have to clear my throat when I have reflux. I don't get the traditional heartburn feeling often, but I know I need to take an antacid or lay off the spicy food when this happens.

20-03-19, 12:34
When my anxiety was at its worst, I kept getting dizziness and nausea all the time. I could feel my head spinning. It usually happened when I was outside the house. Those were physical symptoms of anxiety.