View Full Version : husband has kidney/bladder issues, awaiting scans. Trying not to freak! HELP!

20-03-19, 12:23
Hi guys,

Was wondering if any chaps had had any experience of this?

Last september hubby had severe lower back pain, frequent urination, little urine when weeing, urge to go but nothing comes out. Urine tested all normal, no infection. After another 5 days of this he was given a week of antibiotics for a UTI and the symptoms improved massively overnight. Next day, back to normal.

Lots of blood tests after this, prostate etc and everything came back totally normal.

Cut to this week. Sunday it came on really quickly, he had a temperature, shivery, headache, hot, cold, nausea, lower back pain started, then the tingly feeling when weeing.

Ended up at our out of hours doctors who tested wee and examined him and said no infection in sample. no blood (maybe microscopic amount after leaving it for few mins) no nothing. she'd bet on kidney stone. but no blood in sample. She gave antibiotics and told us to get a ct scan through gp.

One antibiotic tablet later, hubby has improved massively.

Next day went to gp who tested again and said sample all normal. He'd bet on a kidney stone. UTI super rare in men his age (40) and that the stone may just be in his kidney rather than moving through...we await ct scan.

We lost his mum very quickly due to liver cancer fairly young so I have that on my mind. :(

Between the two episodes there's been no symptoms. All well. my boss is a retired gp who said he must have had an infection with temp and tablets working.

I am worrying that this may be something serious. As its so rare and having negative tests! However, if it was the C word, it wouldnt go for 7 months and go when you have antibiotics??

Im so sorry this is so long. It helps me to get it all off my chest.

I've been so good HA wise last 6 months or so. Trying hard not to let it slip.

Does anyone have any experience of this?

Thanks for reading xxx

20-03-19, 15:23
I don’t really have much info other than if antibiotics work, that would absolutely point to infection, especially with how quickly he improved after taking them.

20-03-19, 15:31
I have kidney stones that are small and being monitored but mine do cause traces of non-visible blood in the urine every time I do a urine test.

I had a cystoscopy last week and am waiting for an ultrasound scan to see how the stones are doing as I have had them over 18 months now.

20-03-19, 15:33
Hello there,

thank you for your reply!

I agree! But the docs are saying not possible with negative urine sample! It's most definitely an infection, but what is causing it. Hmm. The improvement from one tablet was quite something! 24 hours later he was back to feeling normal.

Many thanks :)

20-03-19, 15:35
I have kidney stones that are small and being monitored but mine do cause traces of non-visible blood in the urine every time I do a urine test.

I had a cystoscopy last week and am waiting for an ultrasound scan to see how the stones are doing as I have had them over 18 months now.

Hi :)

There was possibly a tiny tiny trace of blood in the one sample. But only if you looked really hard Doc said!

May I ask, do your symptoms sound similar to my husbands? There's no severe writhing on the floor pain you associate with kidney stones?

something is causing a repeated infection.

thanks for your reply x

20-03-19, 15:37
It is interesting that I had the non-visible blood in urine for many years and the doctor's just said that it was common in some people with no reason. Then they tell me that I have kidney stones and that is why there is blood - all a bit confusing isn't it?

If the antibiotics are clearing it up that quick I doubt it could be something sinister but maybe a chat with the GP would be in order anyway.

20-03-19, 15:44
Thank you Nicola.

It is!

docs keep saying he doesn't fit into any box! He's quite chilled and is happy to just wait for CT scan.

I however, keep thinking about it. So stupid isn't it. I just worry they'll find some hideous growth that is causing the blockage which is causing infections. However, he has zero symptoms normally. Just keep thinking if there was a life threatening issue afoot, there would have been some symptoms. Not just when there's infection.

thanks for chatting to me about it :)

20-03-19, 17:25
No problem - you are welcome

I hope it turns out to be nothing sinister and just "one of those things"

Good luck to him and keep us updated.

20-03-19, 22:26
No problem - you are welcome

I hope it turns out to be nothing sinister and just "one of those things"

Good luck to him and keep us updated.

Will do :)