View Full Version : New GAD sufferer and x drinker

07-09-07, 20:45
Hi My name is Tom 50 From Edinburgh.I am so glad that i found this site.I have had anxiety and panic symptoms for about 30 yrs on and off but it seem now that i am left with anxiety 24/7. I am (a day at a time)sober now for about 9 weeks.The most worrying thing for me right now is panic during sleep which wakes me up at least 3 times evry night.I get up feeling exhausted and it takes me an hour to be able to get ready for work,which at this time is harder than ever to manage.I used to be such a happy care free lad but for some reason i eventually became plagued by this panic/anxiety.
I can't remember the last time i actually felt well and happy(sorry for ranting on a bit)I have hope though and i will hang in here for as long as it takes.I practice better breathing and try to "just let go".Some day i know i will be free and i really hope and pray that when i do i will be here for other sufferers.

07-09-07, 20:57
Hi there Tom

Just to say that this site will really support you and help you to understand what is happening right noe. A BIG well done for staying sober and long may it last :) . I have just come out of an acute episode of anxiety and went through absolute hell. Its hard to believe just what anxiety can do to your body and thoughts! I am now back at work and continuing to practise daily relaxtion (boring but i do it!)

Anyway I think you are already well on your way - you're sober (and thats bound to have made you feel more anxious) and you are trying to be positive. Just remember that although it feels terrible sometimes it WILL pass and if you continue your determination to remain sober you will get there.

Sarah x

07-09-07, 21:19
Hi Tom

Welcome to NMP its lovely to see you here, WELL DONE for giving up the drink too !:yesyes: Thats a great step forward for you hun.

Im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends here.


07-09-07, 23:16
Hi Tom and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

08-09-07, 02:22
Hello Tom And Welcome.......im Sure You Will Find Alot Of Us Are The Same You Will Find Support Good Job On Ya Not Drinking I Also Gave It Up.............linda

08-09-07, 13:03

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

08-09-07, 15:58
Thanks thanks thanks. I am so relieved that there are people who understand.My GP certainly doesn't.

Cheers and love you all xx

08-09-07, 16:19
Welcome Tom:D

Luv Kaz x

08-09-07, 18:03
:welcome: Tom

Lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help.

08-09-07, 20:12
Hi Tom,

Welcome to the site. You will find many here who feel exactly like you do and you will find support.



08-09-07, 22:59
Hi Tom

Welcome to nmp. Hope this site helps you as much as it helps me. Take care.

love Mags xxx