View Full Version : Been sweating at night lately

20-03-19, 19:36
Anyone here get really sweaty when they sleep?

I have been having this issue for the last couple of weeks where I have a pretty wet spot from where my lower back to my upper thighs would be as I am trying to sleep on my back while I rehab my rotator cuffs in my shoulders. I tried to sleep without our normal blanket and just a sheet the other night and it helped, but then I used our normal blanket last night and I was a little damp again.

I made the mistake of googling, and it says that if you have other symptoms it could be a sign of (insert here) and now I am a little concerned because I have been having some joint pain lately after I had prolotherapy done on my shoulder about 12 days ago, and I have also noticed vertical ridges in my finger nails now as well so i am scared it may be RA or something worse.

Anyone go through this before?

20-03-19, 19:53
Pathological night sweats drench your sheets so badly your spouse will waken you up screaming, the mattress will be saturated and you'll have to change the sheets.

What you're describing sounds like you're too warm.

Good luck

20-03-19, 20:41
I know what you're fearing but, as RG says, your sweating is likely of a benign cause and not serious. Try regulating room temp.

20-03-19, 20:46
The sheet is pretty soaked but my head isn't and my shirt is pretty dry. It is the region of my smaller back to the middle thighs when i am laying in one place on my back. It did leave a yellow mark on the mattress too.

20-03-19, 22:10
You're not absorbing what is being said. I always was a night sweater. My kids inherited it too. But in the early stages of my cancer, I had the sweats... the real deal. Literally sopping, wring the sheets and pillow out wet. As KK said, less clothes, less bedding and lower temps. It really is as simple as that.

Positive thoughts

21-03-19, 15:04
So I went to sleep last night with just a sheet, and didn't have any night sweats, although I was cold, so I got into the regular micro fibre comforter with a duvet cover on it, and in a couple of hours I was a little damp in the same spot, so this must be due to the blanket right?

21-03-19, 15:39
So I went to sleep last night with just a sheet, and didn't have any night sweats, although I was cold, so I got into the regular micro fibre comforter with a duvet cover on it, and in a couple of hours I was a little damp in the same spot, so this must be due to the blanket

There... fixed your post :)

Positive thoughts

21-03-19, 16:06
Thanks Pa. I think the job I have has been really bad for my HA. I have a lot of down time in front of the computer, and every little niggle gets amplified, and so off I go to Dr. Google. I do feel that this desk job has caused a lot of my side and back pain issues due to bad posture as well, and as such, I am seriously considering giving this up and being on the road as a rep somewhere because this isn't good for me mentally or physically, and no amount of money is worth my health.

21-03-19, 16:59
Thanks Pa. I think the job I have has been really bad for my HA.... and no amount of money is worth my health.

I'm in a similar boat. My job, although I love the business, is taking a real toll on me. I'm commuting 20 hours a week plus 40+ at work. The company is dysfunctional at best and I'm exhausted! Just not worth it. I'm actively job seeking and seriously thinking of ending my tenure for my own peace of mind and body.

Positive thoughts

21-03-19, 17:14
How old are you if you don't mind me asking? I am 44 and a sales guy who took my current job about 5 years ago because the pay was really good, but now the pay has sort of dried up and I can make similar to what I make now being a road rep visiting customers locally, so I think this is something I want to get back in to because it will keep my mind busy, and this will help my HA and my body aches from being in a chair all day.

My mentor told me yesterday that if you aren't happy, and that going into work like I do unhappy, then get out because it will take a toll on your health, and he is right.

Might be time for a change for both of us huh?

21-03-19, 17:35
I just turned 60 so I'm also dealing with the reality of ageism in the job market. I'm in sales and marketing as well. I should look into assisted living or funeral sales at this point as I can relate to the customers ;)

Positive thoughts

21-03-19, 17:39
I just turned 60 so I'm also dealing with the reality of ageism in the job market. I'm in sales and marketing as well. I should look into assisted living or funeral sales at this point as I can relate to the customers ;)

Positive thoughts

Know your market and you'll be successful Pa! I'm wanting to get into more of a management position as I feel I have a great deal of knowledge and experience that I could pass along to a sales force, so that is where my focus is directed at the moment.

21-03-19, 18:29
Know your market and you'll be successful Pa! I'm wanting to get into more of a management position as I feel I have a great deal of knowledge and experience that I could pass along to a sales force, so that is where my focus is directed at the moment.

I was a National Sales Director for the last ten years and while I'm certainly qualified to step into a similar position, I'm opting for a little less responsibility and over all better work/life balance. I'm not concerned. I'll take a little time off and I'm sure I'll find something that will fit the bill. Frankly, just making the decision, even if not official, has taken a lot of stress away.

Positive thoughts

21-03-19, 18:34
I was National Sales Director for that last ten years and while I'm certainly qualified to step into a similar position, I'm opting for a little less responsibility and over all better work/life balance. I'm not concerned. I'll take a little time off and I'm sure I'll fond something that will fit he bill. Frankly, just making the decision, even if not official, has taken a lot of stress away.

Positive thoughts
Amen and quite right. Then you can devote more time to composting complaints because we have a major backlog of BS :lac:

21-03-19, 19:10
Good on you Pa! My kids are grown up, and even though expenses have come down a little, I still want to make some good money so I can retire well, but not at the expense of my happiness and health.

21-03-19, 19:15
I hear you... Whenever I get stressed, I always go back to the words in my signature.

Positive thoughts

21-03-19, 21:50
Kong Solomon knew a thing or two about life didn't he?