View Full Version : Tickly throat cough on and off for months

21-03-19, 10:32
Hi everyone,
It's been a while since I've been on here. Generally, my SSRIs seem to be working and I'm not panicking over EVERYTHING.
Unfortunately, it's allowed me to ignore things too...
Now I'm worried, I've ignored this too long?

I get an intense tickle in one very specific point in my throat (near my thyroid) and I have to cough. My eyes tear up etc. Like something has kinda gone down the wrong way. It happens about 5-10 times a day.
It's not stopping me from jogging and wakes me up at night.
I do have a little post nasal drip but.. not a lot. Then it goes away for a week.. and returns again.

I was all geared up to see the gp. Got my thyroid scan done (routine follow-up), then it went away. A few days later... It's bloidy back!!!!

What the hell? Can the C word cause anything like this? Is there anything that could help me wrap my head around this so I can study? *sigh*

Thanks again for taking the time to read my pathetic dribble..

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21-03-19, 17:46
I've had this issue for the past few months. What you need to see is an ear-nose-throat doctor (ENT). More likely than not your sinuses are acting up (maybe in reaction to some sort of contaminant in the environment that is new that you may not be aware of). The post nasal drip is basically causing that tickling sensation in the back of your throat which makes you cough. You won't feel congested but there's *just enough* of the drip to go down the back of your throat and tickle it.

If your eyes are tearing up as well then that definitely sounds like a sinus issue. Hopefully your GP will get you a referral to an ENT to have this looked at. You can probably treat it with meds like I am (I am taking a nasal spray that keeps it under control). Not sure why they tested your thyroid but I guess your GP is just doing their best to make an educated guess. Even if you never had allergies before, your body can develop one as you grow older. I thought it was weird at first but the docs have insisted that it can happen.

As usual, avoid Google as much as you can - wait for your referral and take your benzos and have a list of questions ready for the ENT so you don't leave the doctor going "Did I forget to ask something?!?!?!!" which I know us HA sufferers always wonder.

21-03-19, 19:13
Thank you, BrightPheonix. That's great info. Definitely what I needed. X

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