View Full Version : Anxiety amplified by moving abroad

21-03-19, 12:48
Hello all,

I've been desperately searching for ways to cope with my anxiety which has been intensifying lately, and I thought this might help. I believe I've always had GAD and social anxiety bought it was fairly mild and manageable most of my life so I just kind of dealt with it. It wasn't until my sophomore year of college that I started having panic attacks and finally sought counseling. I did it for a while and the panic attacks eventually went away and I was feeling back to my old self again. There was a new element of anticipatory anxiety that always lingers, especially when I try to go to sleep at night, but it was manageable again so I didn't stress too much over it.

I've always taken on a lot and been very engaged, and overwhelm has been a constant presence in my life. I think for the past year or so it's been starting to get to be too much and I'm definitely dealing with burnout. I think depression as well. I'm not getting excited about the things I used to and feel like I've become very apathetic. Again I've been managing and unfortunately putting off going back to counseling (I'm going Friday though, no matter what!) I keep telling myself I'm graduating soon, so it'll get better than, (though I'm not convinced).

But I recently got the great news that I got a scholarship to go teach English in Korea, something that's been my dream since middle school. When I got the news, I was beyond excited, but since then I've been downright terrified. It's a year-long commitment and a huge undertaking. I've rationalized everything, I know to expect struggles and hardships and I'm prepared for that. There are plenty of moments when I'm completely fine, I remind myself why I'm going and how much I've been wanting this. I imagine worst case scenarios and I know they won't be that bad. But there are also a lot of moments where irrational fears and obsessive thoughts just run on loop in my head (especially as I'm laying in bed trying to get sleep, cause lord knows I need to sleep to get through this) and that rising sense of panic, the body tingling the tightness in the chest and that sense of impending doom just cripple me. I haven't had a full blown panic attack yet, but definitely an intense episode where my thoughts were borderline disturbing.

And when I get through them I'm fine, but I'm already exhausted and they're just taking their toll.
Anyway, this opportunity to go to Korea is a once in a life time opportunity and I don't want to give it up. Any tips for coping to this particular situation? (I'm definitely working on general coping mechanisms for anxiety, and like I said I will seek counseling ASAP).

21-03-19, 13:44
I've moved into Europe and lived there for several years. The anticipatory anxiety, which is what you are are going through now, is far far worse than actually doing it. In the weeks leading up, I was thinking I can't do this and yet in moments of calm, I thought, yes I can.

you will be up and down like a yoyo I guarantee but deep down remember this is an opportunity of a life time and grasp it. I have no regrets, yes I took my anxiety with me and while I was there, I was good and I was bad, just like normal. But not to have gone and experienced it would have been a big regret.