View Full Version : Worried about feeling of malaise/weakness, muscle strength is fine

20-01-19, 22:34
Edit: My posts were merged so these may look out of place, but I have concerns regarding general "weakness" now later in this thread, see #5 here:


Additional edit: I am seeing a neurologist about these concerns, and I've seen an ENT saying that he's not worried as he already did a CT scan and found nothing, he thinks it's some sort of chronic nonallergic rhinitis that needs to be dealt with using nasal spray (Flonase). I will be visiting a neurologist soon about my pins and needles and I'm seeing a rheumetologist to make sure my knee pain isn't related to anything big.

Now's my turn to ask for anyone with this experience. Just a warning that this is going to be a bit long. I'm an American so I call the GP my PCP, pretty much the same thing. I've been suffering over a month of health anxiety on this and I just want to enjoy my life.

Background, I'm a bit overweight, have an office job, not terribly active, if that helps, Asian background, mid 30's, male. June 2018, I started getting tenderness around my left knee, eventually it turned into pain - not on the knee itself but in the area right around the knee. This progressed to my right knee in July 2018. I just dealt with it for a couple months and reported it to my PCP, said I had runner's knee from ironically *sitting down too much* (the right angle of the knee when sitting for extended periods causes issues).

September 2018, started getting a nasty shooting pain on both elbows - got worried, called Dr. Google - said it was Lupus. Cue me freaking out for 2 weeks. Talked to PCP, she ordered a ton of blood tests and none of them indicated Lupus or any rheumetological conditions, but my knee pain persisted.

Late November, I started feeling depersonalized, out of it with lightheadedness/slight vertigo, had a nasty pressure on the right side of my head around my eyes and could feel my nose constantly running. Right eye would get blurry every once in awhile too. Eyes were watering constantly. I would also have light sensitivity (eyes hurt from sunlight/bright light) and see flashes after looking at something I could normally look at that was bright.

I reported only some of this to the doctor, thinking the sinus problems would go away. A week later in mid-December I get a nasty cold. The cold symptoms last over two weeks - you know the usual. Congestion, stuffy nose, sore throat, etc. I think I was experiencing the sinus infection symptoms alongside the cold too. One time I blew my nose so hard my right nostril started bleeding - that was scary. It clotted quickly.

I get over the cold and for maybe a few days the sinus symptoms are somehow gone, but a few days later the sinus symptoms come back - same symptoms, so I spend the winter break feeling kinda miserable and reported my sinus problems to my doctor at the end of the winter break. Alongside that, a few days before I visited the doctor I had some constipation and took a hot shower after that - when I stepped out of the shower I got a nosebleed *again* - on that same side of my nose - the right. I think the pushing and heaving from the constipation caused that.

So I talked to my doctor on the 4th of January 2019 and she doesn't seem terribly concerned. Prescribed me Flonase and Mucinex DM. I've been taking the Mucinex but only started taking the Flonase today. I'm still experiencing sinus infection-like symptoms. My doctor hasn't prescribed me an antibiotic yet. I will be seeing an ENT but it will be in MAY.

And of course, I consulted Dr. Google, and it led to me to a VeryWell website with an article about the big C of the sinuses... and that set off my health anxiety all over again (warning, don't click if you have anxiety about your sinuses like I do): https://tinyurl.com/y92acwbl - using a link shortener to mask the website contents.

The article states that "bulging" of the eye can be a sign, and I keep looking at my eyes in the mirror and the right side seems slightly bigger than the left, and I've been experiencing most of my sinus issues on the right side.

I have two things in the article telling me conflicting narratives that I'm trying to reassure myself with:
- It is a very rare C. I am in the Asian demographic that might have a slightly higher risk affected by it and am male, but most of it is diagnosed in males in their mid to late 50's. I do live in a room that is very dusty (regular old dust) AND I learned that this room I've been in for years had some paint on the CMU wall flaking near my sleeping area (it was flaking hidden below my bed, so most of it I guess was blocked by my bed)


- It's often ignored by PCPs as something minor, but when other treatments antiobitics don't work, by the time ENTs see it it's going later on and is harder to treat.

Of the symptoms listed as "later stage" I don't have the facial pain and tooth pain and my nose hasn't bled since that constipated episode I had early January, but I do have the eye issues (eye gets dry/blurry when I try to move it around - no problem MOVING the eye but it seems to be very dry), but I've had this eye symptom for the past two months, AND I've actually had this eye symptom on and off for well over 3 years (where half the eye gets blurred if I blink but if I blink again it's ok; it would get better then come back).

This is why I'm concerned. A friend of mine who has chronic sinus problems said there's a whole host of issues that can cause it - as simple as a deviated septum (which I have) to something I probably developed an allergy to where I live. I just messaged my doctor with a post as long as this one and am asking her for followups medically - either antibiotics, or additional scans, or to be able to see another ENT earlier if possible.

On TOP of that, the knee pains I mentioned? Since last week I started developing a pins and needles nerve pain that travels all over my body - doesn't have a particular area - just moves randomly like a needle poking into my skin, lasts a few seconds. No rhyme or reason. Mentioned this in my followup visit to my neurologist and he wasn't concerned, but when I looked it up - you bet, it led to MS concerns. I have a lot of the symptoms listed in MS too - some constipation, knee pains, nerve pains, etc. so yeah... I'm not in a very happy state right now.

I'm seeking a therapist to deal with all these concerns... if anyone has any experience with these issues I'd much appreciate it, thanks for reading my rant. I know those nerve pains can be due to anxiety, but I'm just flabbergasted why I can't catch a break - I just want to enjoy life.

21-01-19, 09:43
Sorry to hear you're suffering from all of this! Regarding the knee pains and the MS fears, it is definitely reassuring that you've spoken to neurologist about this, I'm sure they wouldn't have just said all is fine if there was any concern it was something serious.

In terms of the sinus stuff, I have some pretty bad stints of sinus issues. At its worst I had severe tooth and jaw pain, horrendous headaches, nose bleeding and blurry vision and dizziness. I was petrified of cancer, but turned out just to be a sinus infection. On another similar occasion I was petrified that it was brain tumour, but it was just blocked sinuses (not even an infection). There can be some pretty horrible symptoms which are extremely minor conditions. Our health anxiety just convinces us otherwise. The second situation I referred to, I did have a brain MRI because it went on for about 2 months, which is where they saw the blocked sinuses.

If you think it is getting progressively worse, then go back to your doctor to see if there's any other treatment or tests they suggest while you wait until your May ENT appointment. But definitely sounds like anxiety is adding to your symptoms.

21-01-19, 09:49
The problem here is your self diagnosis. Researching any symptom on the internet can lead you to conclude that you have cancer. Literally ANY symptom will get you there.

Once you get into your 30s, having a sitting down job can severely impact your health. It's already effecting your knees and it's almost certainly causing the elbow pains too.

Having nosebleeds during or after a bad sinus infection....ridiculously common.

There's nothing that you are reporting that sounds sinister, and this is backed up by your Doctor. The problem here is you, and your self research.

Let it go, listen to your Doctor.

What you really need to do is exercise a bit, get out in the fresh air and (dare I say it) stop eating bad food....(ok, that last bit is a guess).

You don't 'catch a break' with anxiety unfortunately. Anxiety is ruthless at dealing out symptoms. It can mimic anything. The break comes with the actions of the person suffering, and in your case the first action is to stop googling symptoms. If you don't stop doing that, there is zero chance of recovery. Absolutely zero. It's not possible.

21-01-19, 11:55
Sinus infections do come and go, two weeks after getting over a head cold you can get it again, drink plenty of fluids. Get a netipot put some manuka honey in with water and a bit of salt, rinse your nose out with that, all the blowing and drier air will it to bleed, also there is a bad virus going around different states that includes horrible sinus issues, I have the head cold from hell went through two and a half rolls of toilet paper just blowing my nose, manuka honey helps kill sinus bacteria also you can eat a teaspoon a day,

21-03-19, 18:24
Background - Dealing with chronic sinus issues that are being managed by my ENT. All sorts of not-fun symptoms. Brain fog, depersonalization, teary eyes, post-nasal drip, pressure behind and around my right eye, etc. Also been dealing with tenderness around both my knees that started in June 2018 and hasn't gone away. Experienced a few random low-grade fevers that went away after 5-6 hours during August - October. Been seeing a rheumetologist about that one and so far he hasn't found anything (yay). It's been a not-fun past 6 months for me when it comes to my health, but on the flipside I'm glad they're being managed, and from some of the stories I've seen here I could have it way worse.

First off, I'm 35, male, overweight, and of East Asian ancestry. I'm having my blood pressure managed by propranolol which also manages a condition that is on the low end side called essential tremor.

One ongoing symptom I've been dealing with for the past 2 or 3 years is that I get these episodes where I suddenly just feel real weak, all over my body. Like if you have low blood sugar or low blood pressure. It's not just one part of my body but *all* of it that feels weak. Sometimes I break out into a cold sweat because of it. The feeling passes after 20-30 minutes and I've spoke to my GP/PCP about this and she doesn't seem concerned and advises that I just take it easy when it happens because my blood levels generally appear normal.

Fast forward to January this year, noticed I was getting random pins and needles all over my body. Wasn't specific to my arms and legs, I would get them in my abdomen too. Mentioned this to my neurologist and he wasn't too worried.
February - I've been prescribed methylpresidone for 6 days tapering and Flonase for my sinus issues. No problems with the methylpresidone and I take the Flonase with it, but a week later I start getting early muscle fatigue (perceived weakness). My strength is there, but my arms and legs were fatiguing faster than they already did since I'm overweight. Rest of me can still do stuff, but it was just my arms and legs. Pins and needles come off and on.

Week later, the tremor came back and it hit harder than usual. Whenever I reach out for things my arms and legs would tremble. Since I'm familiar with tremors this is what is known as an "action tremor". Cue health anxiety getting worse.

2 weeks later, for the past three days, I've been dealing with this weird "weak" sensation. Let me put it this way, ever been constipated and you pushed so hard that when you were done you felt "weak" all over your body? You physically weren't *weaker* but your entire body just feels kinda like jello? I've been dealing with that sensation. Oddly, the tremor is gone and the muscle fatigue is kind of gone too, but this "weakness" is still around.

Neurologist is going to see me anyway because of the pins and needles, but he's booked until April 3.

I Googled around and because of my weight and age, I'm worried I have early Type-2 Diabetes - "diabetic neuropathy" and possibly low blood sugar levels could be a logical explanation for my issues. I don't know. I was thinking of seeing my PCP/GP early to talk to her about it - could it also be possibly due to the Nasal spray I'm taking? Sometimes I screw up spraying into my nose and take an extra spray - I don't know if that's causing me to accidentally overdose on this stuff. Thought steroid nasal sprays were relatively safe?

I'm just worried since 15 years ago my mom was had feelings of fatigue and she tried to ignore them for a month or two and it later turned out to be something. If something causing my perceived weakness right now I want to nip it in the bud right now.

21-03-19, 19:03

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


21-03-19, 19:16

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


Although the initial symptoms are similar, I'm no longer concerned about my sinuses, but rather this strange weakness. This post isn't a continuation of my previous post, it's concerns about an ongoing feeling of weakness, I mentioned the sinus stuff as a background, so I think you didn't fully read my post. The merging dilutes the question I had about my new post, and it just looks like necroing of a post from two months ago.

I urge you to reconsider - my new post isn't about my sinuses, it's about my general weakness.

21-03-19, 19:22
But it shows the very obvious similarities and HA pattern of your thoughts. Its really just a variation of a theme and having both posts in one thread clearly shows it.

Positive thoughts

21-03-19, 19:34
But using that train of thought then you would have to merge *every single poster's thread in this forum*, which would defeat the purpose of having separate threads about separate subjects. If one post is about my foot, and another post was about my ear, you wouldn't merge the two posts because there is a "similar pattern of thoughts" - that's the whole point of this forum. You'd have to find every user in this forum and merge *all* their threads together using that logic. Elen saw me mentioning my sinuses and most likely thought I'm talking about them again, which I would agree with - I would've just necro'd this old post and talk about that, but what I'm experiencing right now is actually something different that *may or may not* be related to what I'm dealing with before, which is why I gave a background history.

21-03-19, 19:47
But you didn't update your previous thread despite having 3 replies. So it helps give potential posters more background without going through your post history, which not everyone does before replying.

21-03-19, 20:12
Good point. It's an ongoing problem so I wouldn't be able to provide a full update as I'm still dealing with the problems. Thanks for changing the title, I will make a note in the initial post to read a later post and I provided a brief synopsis edit in the first post of what I'm doing to deal with these issues.