View Full Version : Hi Newbie here, needing support.

21-03-19, 20:23
Hi everyone, my name is margy, i have only just joined this site. I suffer with health anxiety, really really badly. I get all the physical symptoms and they can be really scary at times. The one thing i do suffer with is palpatations, i feel missed beats sometimes, i have been told by my doctors that they are normal and that i feel them more because im an anxious person. I have had ECGs done in the past and they have all come back normal.

Does anyone else suffer like me with there health anxiety. :)

21-03-19, 21:30
Hi Margy,lots of us suffer from palpitations and skipped beats when we are anxious.Its one of the many causes of panic when you are anxious,but i was told by my gp that its just your body reacting to the rush of adrenalin caused by your panic and they are harmless.Just to let you know you are not alone and theres a section in the forum just focusing on that particular symptom.Keep smilng its infectious.