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23-03-19, 07:58
I’ve been really struggling with my anxiety this week. Finding it hard to cope at work, tired all the time. I broke down in tears yesterday while talking to my manager about it and had to go home. I feel like I’ve let myself down again and hate letting down others.
Luckily I’ve got some annual leave next week but the worry of going back to work will still be there

23-03-19, 09:17
Midge why do you feel as though you being unwell is letting people down? You haven't asked for this anxiety any more than a diabetic asks for a hypo. I think cutting yourself some slack and being kinder to yourself might go a long way in improving your anxiety. Nobody is perfect, you have to do the best with the hand that you're dealt. x

23-03-19, 10:50
Thank you EmmerLooeez. I don’t like taking time off work due to my anxiety x

23-03-19, 11:49
I can totally relate but I think lapses are all part of the process of recovery. If you hadn't been doing better globally, you couldn't have had this blip :) And, everybody goes through tough times sometimes - mostly, other people are glad to be able to step in and help. It's not letting people down to take care of yourself, and I'm sure your manager frequently has people crying on them - all part of the terrain :)

One good trick is to think about what you would say to your best friend if she had the same worry about letting people down? You'd say 'don't worry about it, you haven't let anyone down, it's just a blip', wouldn't you, and you'd mean it, because we are always more compassionate and soothing towards other people than towards ourselves? Focus on getting better and feeling calmer is the best thing you can do now.

Best of luck and hope things settle!