View Full Version : Suicidal obsessions...

23-03-19, 11:16
Morning All, hope you are all doing well. I’m really struggling at the moment with suicidal thoughts or obsessions. I think the recent media attention to this matter is causing me to think and focus on this. I don’t want to die or do anything but it almost feels like my Brain is poisoned. What steps can I take to sort these out. I have recently reduced my seroquel from 200 to 150mg, still on mirtazapine 45mg and I am currently using a benzo to lessen the anxiety and panic that follows these scary thoughts.

23-03-19, 11:55
I presume the sort of thought you are referring to, rather than true 'suicidal thoughts' is an intrusive thought that you 'could and might' do it? If that is the case, and it is terrifying when this sort of thought imvades your mental space, then you need to accept it as an intrusive thought and nothing more. These types of things (thoughts) come in a large variety and the best steps are the

1. Accept them, and not fear them; don't try and 'run away' mentally, just 'let them be' and get on with your usual life. They will then go away sooner, and hopefully they won't become an obsession.
2. Don't try and fight them, as this will make the fear cycle worse.
3. Remind yourself that they are just thoughts, and not real, and not even how you really feel.

I don't know if you are having therapy at the moment, alongside your medication, but if you are then it could make-up quite a few sessions dealing with intrusive thoughts.