View Full Version : Worried about my wife

23-03-19, 13:20
My wife has been having stomach problems lately. About a week and a half. Brief history, 15 months ago she had gastric bypass. 12 months ago she had her gallbladder removed. With those 2 surgeries her digestive system has obviously changed. Lately though she has diarrhea after almost every meal. She went to doctor last week and was told try more fiber and come back in 2 weeks. More fiber hasn't helped. She has cut back on what she eats. Yogurt and eggs for breakfast with a protein shake seem ok. She is eating less during day and losing some weight. She has a follow up appointment in 6 days.
I guess my mind just jumps to the absolute worst scenario. She has had plenty of Dr visits and blood tests over the last 18 months so if anything serious was going on I'm assuming it would have been noticed before now. I guess there are plenty of reasons why she is having this issue. And I guess those 2 surgeries could have something to do with it.
I just don't like waiting to find out. Any opinions would be appreciated. I'm keeping myself from googling and trying to keep my mind busy on other things.

23-03-19, 14:12
I'm at the desktop now, rather than on my mobile so I've read your Q again, and want to add a bit more to my original response

Certainly there's quite a complicated history going on here with your wife.

It's a bit unusual to suggest MORE fibre for diarrhoea. Yes, things like Fybogel (ispaghula husk) are bulk forming and can remove some of the excess water, but if you have diarrhoea, for a period at least, the excess fibre will usually worsen it. Not to mention the very unpleasant flatulence that usually accompanies it. Yes additional fibre can help some people, but if I worked in community pharmacy and you walked in and asked me, fibre supplementation would be pretty low on my list (if it was even on it at all).

Due to the surgical history you've reported, I'd be very hesitant to recommend much in the way of medication over the internet - pop in to your pharmacy and speak with a pharmacist who can see you face to face. Alternatively, speak to your doctor regarding further tests or medications.

However with your wife's surgical history, I wouldn't say the diarrhoea is a surprise... It's also worth bearing in mind this has only been going on for ~10 days. I don't think there's anything sinister, however should it persist, please ensure your wife is referred for the relevant testing to "cover all bases"

Sorry I couldn't be of more help

23-03-19, 14:56
I appreciate the response. She has a follow up appointment very soon. Your right, with her medical history what she is experiencing probably isn't a surprise. My mind is just racing and I needed some opinions on here. Thanks

23-03-19, 15:09
Well I guess I had my facts wrong. My wife just said it's been less than a week, 5 or 6 days, and she was at her Dr for a different issue. Maybe it's a virus.

23-03-19, 15:57
Yeah 5 to 6 days is far too soon to start worrying about anything sinister!

23-03-19, 16:31
My wife made a phone Dr appointment about an hour ago. Spoke with the Dr and described all symptoms. Dr didn't seem concerned and sent a perscription to our pharmacy