View Full Version : Frequent urge to urinate...Anxiety?

23-03-19, 19:21
Hello, my thanks goes out to all who take the time to read this. I'll try to keep this as short as I can while giving a quick story of what got me here to post today. I'm new around here but have read many threads over the past months which were very informative in regards to anxiety induced muscle twitching. I suppose I've suffered from anxiety and mainly health anxiety for many years. Since I was a young teen really. I'm 37 now so for the better part of 20+years. I always managed and for the most part wasn't bothered by it to any real degree. That changed last summer when I noticed more fasiculatons in various muscles then normal for me. I've lifted weights for 23 years so I was no stranger to a few twitches and never gave them a second thought until curiosity got the better of me and a quick Google search had me wishing I hadn't. Anyways, that's not the reason I'm posting today. What is however, frequent urination and a frequent urge even if I just went. This has been happening for about 3 to 4 weeks now. It came on sudden and varies in intensity from not noticeable to mind consuming. What bothers me most is not the frequent urination as much as at times I'll get a sudden urge in the tip of my urethra. I had a urine test thinking it had to be a uti but all tests were clear. I have no pain when nor when not urinating. Just frequency and a weird urge at times. A friend of mine works in the medical field and thinks my anxiety is behind all of this as I am hyper focused on it at the moment. Yesturday i was feeling on top of the world. I had a dream about it last night and today has been a setback. Does anyone else have or have suffered in the past similar issues while anxiety is high? Thanks again, and my apologies for the long post. I'll try to keep them shorter from this point forward.

23-03-19, 19:58
It's part of the fight or flight response to what is a real or perceived threat and a common anxiety symptom (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Kidneys_urgency_to_urinate_frequent_urina tion_sudden_urge_to_go_to_the_toilet). Ever heard of performers having to use the bathroom prior to a show? Same thing....

Positive thoughts

23-03-19, 20:02

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


23-03-19, 20:13
Thank you for the response. So i just have to get control of my anxiety before it snowballs and this will hopefully recede in time. Also I might add I am honored that you replied. I've read many of your past posts. Thank you again