View Full Version : Question I Should know the answer to

24-03-19, 11:37
Hi all - the last week has been horrendpus with symptoms and googling etc..

I am off to the doc on Monday but wanted to ask a question that might subside my panic in the meantime.... I know this may be a stupid question but its one if a few people answered may put my mind at rest until I see the doc

Is it possible for me to have had brain metastasses for the last week and not be in the A&E or have more than just symptoms that come and go???

24-03-19, 12:43
What cancer do you have?

24-03-19, 12:46
Should hace probably put i have not been diagnosed with anything yet.... sacred of melanoma and being too late

24-03-19, 12:46
Do you actually have cancer, or are you simply worried you have it elsewhere and its "mets" to the brain?

Without that info it's impossible to give you an answer.....

24-03-19, 12:47
Ok, and why are you scared of melanoma?

Apply the following to your mole - the ABCDE rule. This is a slightly "tweaked" version I learnt from the blog of Dr. Stephen Hayes

A: is your mole completely asymmetrical?
B: is the border indistinct and scalloped?
C: Is there more than one colour? (Two shades of brown is OK, but nothing else)
D: Diameter - is it larger than 5mm?
E: Erythema - is there any red in your mole?

The ugly duckling sign: Is this mole significantly different to your other moles? E.g. there is NOTHING like it on your body.

EDIT: For the interests of the poster - or anyone else reading this who worries about moles, Dr Hayes has said several times on his website that an itching mole alone (e.g. NO other symptoms) is almost NEVER a melanoma. So if your mole is itchy, and has no other signs of malignant change, you can likely rest assured.

24-03-19, 12:54
So you don't have cancer and you're scared of melanoma (that you don't have) that has somehow metastasized to your brain? I agree... you should know the answer to your reassurance seeking question.

Positive thoughts

24-03-19, 13:04
I agree it sounds ridiclous... just never had melanoma fears and never checked my moles properly - partner foubd one that was all one color brown about 5mm or slightly bigger without a defined border on my back so googling and now convinced its spread to brain....

24-03-19, 13:09
I have several moles on my back, which my derma is watching which sound like that - the only thing "wrong" with them is the border is a bit indistinct. She's not worried about them at all.

This is what a melanoma looks like. (https://dermoscopy.wordpress.com/2018/12/24/pink-and-brown-mole-on-leg-beware/) Dr Hayes has made the point many times that he sees people coming in, worried sick about moles like the one you describe, but they ignore
the most obvious melanomas.

24-03-19, 16:04
Ok, you already know how ridiculous this sounds. You are not just scared of melanoma, which you most likely don't have, but you also think you have brain mets? And you also have symptoms of brain mets?

You don't hsve melanoma most likely and you almost certainly don't have brain mets. Although primary brain tumor... Just kiddin ;)

24-03-19, 16:10
You have already deleted a post on this subject which had a good answer. Please try and add onto previous posts rather than delete and post again.

24-03-19, 17:03
Apologies i deleted the as i felt it was too much of a ramble.

And wanted to explain my main fear more to the point.... that if I had brain mets I'd not be getting on with everyday life... to put my mind at rest to some degree.

25-03-19, 12:36
Have you survived doctors appointment?

25-03-19, 20:02
Not yet... going tomorrow - thanks for the follow up.... i'm just so scared at the moment.... i think the worst is that anxiety is probably causing most of my issues but cant help but assume its the worst!

Cant stop googling.... survival rates... clinical trials etc... I've read all about immunotherapy - feel like im gonna walk in tomorrow and say "right I want dual immunotherapy opvido and ippi please...."

Reading survivor stories.... half of them talk about symptoms I have..

Its all just a massive mindf*** and its taking its toll

Only good thing is I think I have (once again) come to terms with death - so if it is waiting for me I'll fight but wont let it break my spirit...

Even writing this feels ridiculous but just cant turn off that HA part of my brain

25-03-19, 20:42
Your biggest issue is that it won't stop there. Tomorrow, when you likely hear that your mole is normal you will be fine for a short period of time and then you will be dying from another disease.

Instead of reading cancer stories, read something fun, and stop googling completely.

25-03-19, 22:00
Well you won't be getting either of those 'monoclonal antibodies' from your GP as they're started in hospital under specialist supervision only.

This is a very silly, irrational fear you have. If I were you, I'd let the GP have a quick look at your moles, then move on to your anxiety.

Told ya so gang on standby

26-03-19, 18:59
Ok so on the melanoma thing.... you are free to drop an "i told you so"...

Theres still a slight concern with me about the sinusy... burping... difficulty swallowing symptoms but i'm still on the ledge with that one...

If someone wouldn't mind telling me that eosophageal cancer isnt gonna get me when im "only" 32 that would be great

Thanks again everyone don't know what i'd do without this site.... it might bot convince me during the rough times but im almost certain it stops me having full blown panic attacks

26-03-19, 19:21
https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OGC.7d870ef58272ed4ca0bebc7dcceadf1a&pid=Api&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.giphy.com%2fmedia%2fxTiTn jBP7yCsrEqbHq%2fgiphy.gif&ehk=JV2c%2fblYNMeR8wzUmC1jFA

27-03-19, 12:41
Thank you for alerting the TYS Gang, RG :shades:
