View Full Version : Sleep

25-03-19, 01:00
Does anybody find sleep a pointless exercise? I sometimes wish I could run 24 hours per day and also last without having food either

25-03-19, 06:47
No, I love sleep & bed.

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25-03-19, 07:47
A life without sleep and food? Never!

25-03-19, 15:34
Sleep and food are my life :roflmao:

25-03-19, 16:06
Food, yeah I could do without that. One pill once a day would do me if such a thing was ever invented. I've never been a foodie, food is fuel and I eat to live, not live to eat. Always been like it.

However...sleep, well no one could ever take that from me without a fight. Me and my bed have a great relationship. I've had two nights of insomnia now and I hate it because I can't sleep. It will come back and I can't wait.
Actually I think sleep is very important for anxiety sufferers, it kind of resets the body and without it we are a whole lot worse.

25-03-19, 17:39
Sleep is a respite from our issues. How on earth could you cope with no respite from your OCD and anxiety, Phil?

25-03-19, 18:33
Let's just call it a day then, eh?

Honestly, Phil :lac:

25-03-19, 18:45
Well, I gotta go with Phil on this one. My mind races when I get to bed and I come up with all these creative, ambitious ideas that I would love to get up and get started on, but I know I MUST sleep, so I force myself to lie there, and toss and turn trying not to wake up hubby. Of course I finally fall asleep probably between 3:00 and 5:00 a.m. and could then sleep till noon, but then I can't get all my ambitions done. I used to think sleeping was a total waste of time, but intellectually I know our bodies need it, so I need to get into a better sleep routine. I just retired 2 weeks ago so my routine and cycles are all off, especially since I just spent a week on the opposite coast in a different time zone.

Food? Eh, most of the time it's a pain in the butt and I would love to take a pill instead, but I would hate to give up my occasional splurges of chocolate, potato chips, and ice cream.

25-03-19, 21:57
I love food and sleep so that's a "NO" from me!

Positive thoughts

25-03-19, 22:52
Well, I gotta go with Phil on this one. My mind races when I get to bed and I come up with all these creative, ambitious ideas that I would love to get up and get started on, but I know I MUST sleep, so I force myself to lie there, and toss and turn trying not to wake up hubby. Of course I finally fall asleep probably between 3:00 and 5:00 a.m. and could then sleep till noon, but then I can't get all my ambitions done. I used to think sleeping was a total waste of time, but intellectually I know our bodies need it, so I need to get into a better sleep routine. I just retired 2 weeks ago so my routine and cycles are all off, especially since I just spent a week on the opposite coast in a different time zone.

Food? Eh, most of the time it's a pain in the butt and I would love to take a pill instead, but I would hate to give up my occasional splurges of chocolate, potato chips, and ice cream.

That’s totally how I feel and same here I would keep the odd treats but food yes a food pill would be easier

and yes it’s hard to drift off to sleep sometimes I feel like a computer and I don’t feel human and almost wonder if it would be easier if our brains where on a computer. I have solipsism to and free will worries so I fear I just live a life and everything is predetermined so yes it all feels pointless I worry I have no free will to make choices

I’ve had trouble with sleep for atleast 15 years or more becuase when I’m inactive I’m not able to live life I feel it’s wasted time I wish I could party all night or operate 24 hours like a machine life would be easier that maybe sleep once a month? That’s my ideal world

25-03-19, 23:03
I’ve had trouble with sleep for at least 15 years or more becuase when I’m inactive I’m not able to live life I feel it’s wasted time

13 years (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?16020-Feeling-depressed-and-anxious) of which you've been posting here :whistles:

Positive thoughts

25-03-19, 23:08
13 years (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?16020-Feeling-depressed-and-anxious) of which you've been posting here :whistles:

Positive thoughts

Yes my point is I use to stay up until 4am sometimes 5am and get by on little sleep until the bipolar thing happened and I got some meds which make me more tired

When I was in hospital I went a few days sleep reprived and felt I was on the way out it was a terrible experience

09-11-20, 02:18
Update I still feel this. I really hate sleeping I hate how I can’t check social media or keep going with my day. I finish work at 6 have my dinner and before long I am going to bed it sucks. I do try and stay up to 2am at the height of my breakdown in 2016 I fell asleep at 10pm. Does nobody else hate sleeping round here?

09-11-20, 05:25
Sleep used to be my thing until 2011. I could nap for a few hours in the day and still get a decent 8 plus hours in at night, and it was quality sleep with some nice dreams in with the usual anxiety ones.

Then it changed in 2011 starting with anxiety dreams taking total control over nice ones. Then the nocturnal panic attacks kicked in and I was having them numerous times a night until I realised that I had to get up and move when I had the first one and not try to lie there and go back to sleep.

I developed severe insomnia and questioned sleep disorders but tests showed otherwise. I say tests, I had one test which recorded my oxygen levels for obstructive sleep apnoea - which I knew I didn't have.

When I nap now's like I'm wired - agitated - it doesn't feel nice. I don't get that lovely decent into sleep I used to..

My dreams are directed by Quentin Tarantino or Stephen King - headless horses, me dying, falling, fainting, being sick - dreams which wake me up with a pounding heart.

Sleep used to be an escape for me - some time out from this world - but it looks like it's gone for good. I really miss it. :weep:

09-11-20, 06:12
Phil, I have an incredible urge to give you a sedative.

09-11-20, 06:17
Phil, I have an incredible urge to give you a sedative.


09-11-20, 06:19
C’mon Nora. Don’t tell me that you didn’t think it too... ;)

09-11-20, 06:28
C’mon Nora. Don’t tell me that you didn’t think it too... ;)

No idea what you're talking about. :zipit:

Would have to be a big bugger of a sedative.

09-11-20, 08:20
I diagnose an entrenched case of FOMO and a need to stay in control with zero uncertainty.

I've got a case of that in my house too...

10-11-20, 01:17
Sleep used to be my thing until 2011. I could nap for a few hours in the day and still get a decent 8 plus hours in at night, and it was quality sleep with some nice dreams in with the usual anxiety ones.

Then it changed in 2011 starting with anxiety dreams taking total control over nice ones. Then the nocturnal panic attacks kicked in and I was having them numerous times a night until I realised that I had to get up and move when I had the first one and not try to lie there and go back to sleep.

I developed severe insomnia and questioned sleep disorders but tests showed otherwise. I say tests, I had one test which recorded my oxygen levels for obstructive sleep apnoea - which I knew I didn't have.

When I nap now's like I'm wired - agitated - it doesn't feel nice. I don't get that lovely decent into sleep I used to..

My dreams are directed by Quentin Tarantino or Stephen King - headless horses, me dying, falling, fainting, being sick - dreams which wake me up with a pounding heart.

Sleep used to be an escape for me - some time out from this world - but it looks like it's gone for good. I really miss it. :weep:

Yes I sometimes manage sleep ok and other times it’s a struggle. I often drift off about 3am anyway but I get worked up when it gets late and have to sleep. I know lack of sleep could make my anxiety worse

10-11-20, 05:55
Yes I sometimes manage sleep ok and other times it’s a struggle. I often drift off about 3am anyway but I get worked up when it gets late and have to sleep. I know lack of sleep could make my anxiety worse

Maybe you need to take a really good look at your 'sleep hygiene', Phil?

I've noticed that I struggle more when I've been using electronics after 6pm. Scrolling on my phone definitely agitates my brain, and that applies in the daytime.

Eating heavy meals late at night will also cock things up because our bodies will be trying to digest food when we're trying to sleep.

After lots of trial and error, I've found that things certain things improve my quality of sleep, like when I listen to sleep stories on Calm or watch some ASMR videos on Youtube (TV, not mobile or tablet)

Go through everything with a fine toothcomb as it were, and I'm sure you'll be able to make some improvements with a bit of tweaking.

The main thing that got me out of severe insomnia was to just accept things and not worry about only having a few hours sleep. As we get older, we don't actually need as much sleep as we did anyway.

Broken sleep does make anxiety worse, that's true, but the best thing to do is not to add fear to the mix.

Remember, Thatcher ran the country (albeit badly) on a few hours kip every night. :winks:

I do miss my sleep though. I actually like going under GA because I get that lovely descent into oblivion that I used to experience all the time. :yesyes:

10-11-20, 09:09
I always worry about getting enough sleep, but Mr C says if you are well rested you don't need that so called quota.
I still worry though and think I have to eat more to compensate, lol.