View Full Version : Side/back aches and pains.

25-03-19, 08:33
Greetings all.

This is a problem I've been dealing with for a while now. I'll say straight off that I've recently had full bloods and a calprotectin test done, all OK. I'm hoping that shows I don't have any cancers or something serious going on.

For a few months I've had aches, pains and twinges around my sides, lower back and across my stomach. It feels muscular, like a deep ache, and feels worse when I'm in certain positions. For example, laying on my right side makes me feel it in my left side and the other way around. It tends to come and go - for days at a time it can be pretty bad, then it eases off and I'm OK for a while before returning again. It's worse on my right side, though I do feel it on my left too. The exact position is hard to pinpoint. Imagine the space between your ribs and hip bone, it feels like it comes from there. I was doing some stretches a few days ago and my whole left side erupted in a pulled muscle type pain. The general stiffness also radiates around my lower and mid back.

I've spoken to a doctor and it's the usual story of them being unconcerned, but it does feel like something is wrong. Is it muscle tension? Posture problems? Can it potentially be a sign of something more serious like MS?

Any suggestions and advice welcome, I'm at a loss. Thanks for your help.