View Full Version : Urticaria?

25-03-19, 17:36
Hi guys,

Hope all is well. I'm in a panic at the moment because I've been having some issues with what I think is Hives (urticaria). It all started a few weeks ago when I got home and took a really hot shower and then noticed a bunch of small red (15-20) cluster red follicle boils on my leg. It went away after 15-20 minutes and I thought nothing of it. Then over the next few days and week and leading to now I've been having it everywhere. I'm talking my arms, neck, back, stomach, eyes, face and even legs. I'm scared witless as I've been googling and I've seen that it can indicate liver, pancreas, blood, thyroid, auto immune amongst other issues. I just had a physical and CBC three months ago and other than slight ASL (62) levels due to moderate drinking, everything was perfectly in range. I booked an appointment with my doctor for another blood test this Sunday and potentially an allergist if he thinks it will be necessary. But until then I can stop googling and feeling the urge to itch different parts of my body.

I do want to note that I work out of a mobile trailer and it is dusty and I'm wondering if this is the issue and most of my sudden urge to itch starts when I am here. All weekend I was home and out and about and not once did I feel like I had to itch. I also want to note that these patches that are raised when I do itch go away within 15-20 minutes as if they never happened. Please can someone relate?



25-03-19, 18:30
I wouldn't even hazard a guess about this. Really, you'll need bloods done and (if deemed appropriate) referred to an Immunologist, depending on the outcome of those bloods.

Sorry I can't be of more help

25-03-19, 18:31
You could try Cetirizine/Loratadine etcetera in the meantime to see if that helps.
You haven't changed washing powder or the like recently?

26-03-19, 00:31
Thank you for responding! I'm in such a mess and I dont even know what to think anymore! I have now managed to convince myself I have Lupus now and I just bawled up and started to cry just now. I just with Sunday would get there sooner.

26-03-19, 19:51
First off, if you want to try combat the hives, grab Zyrtec or Allegra and take it now. Get a travel size dose from 7-11.

It takes about 1-2 hours for it to kick in - if you take that and your hives stop, then you have what I have - some sort of unknown allergy to something. That is definitely due for an appointment with an allergist/immunologist so you can figure out what's causing it. They'll help you figure out what the trigger is for it so you can remove it from your environment.

27-03-19, 00:35
Have you recently started using any new products like soap, shampoo, lotion, cologne?