View Full Version : how are symptoms there constantly??

25-03-19, 17:52
I know with anxiety you can feel symptoms etc but how can they be there constantly? I have had shortness and breath on and of for about 6 yrs or so now but it comes in waves where its there all day everyday it drives me insane. I had an asthma check up last week and they said all is good but i am overweight and i know that. always feels like a restriction and soreness in the back of my throat, anyone else get this?

25-03-19, 18:42
The SOB sounds like possible anxiety -has your doctor been made aware of this?
Throat issues could be a side effect of your inhalers - could also be anxiety

25-03-19, 18:44
Hello eddy

You know from my experience as long as anxiety is high, the physical affects will be as well. Unfortunately it seems to take a while for the affects to settle even as anxiety seems to settle. Everyone is affected differently but I have heard many people with the same feeling you describe while anxious. Hang in there.

25-03-19, 18:56
yep i have been to the doctors countless times over the years and my oxygen and peak flow is always ok as is my blood pressure and heart rate. The other thing is that im the heaviest i have ever been. I am about 50-60 pounds overweight from what i used to be

25-03-19, 19:01

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


25-03-19, 19:23

You probably don't need people to tell you this, but you'd be best to lose some weight. (I'm practically the only one in my department who still uses stones and lbs - Kg is the standard here. You'd be forgiven for thinking I'm old, but I'm in my mid-20s!)

So this works out at about 4.3 stone overweight. If you're a big lad, that's not a HUUGEE amount - if you're a small woman, that could be morbidly obese. It really depends on your gender, stature.

The excess weight will put a strain on all your bodily functions. Carrying an additional 4stone in weight is really no different to carrying it around in a back pack (arguably, the latter would be healthier!). My aunt, for example, has COPD and is in her early 70s. But she is a few stone overweight, and her doctors are forever telling her (as are we) to lose the weight, because her symptoms would improve considerably. That's not mentioning her arthritis, back pain, lethargy and generally "poor" quality of life which is undeniably worsened by her weight.

You've made a point of your weight in the two posts, so I suspect you're looking at ways to lose weight and probably feel it is contributing to, or causing your symptoms. It's great to read that, because it's a bad sign when they don't mention these things (e.g. denial). Please don't think me rude in the above, as I have not intended to come across as such.

Read this leaflet produced by Patient UK re weight loss. (https://patient.info/healthy-living/weight-loss-weight-reduction) (Patient UK is the "hot favourite" here amongst doctors and other HCP to print information leaflets from)

You could also speak to your pharmacist/doctor to see if you're a candidate for Orlistat.

Good luck

26-03-19, 13:51
Have you been checked for GERD, post nasal drip etc? Both of those conditions can cause sore throats and breathing difficulty.

Even without those, being stressed and being anxious can severely hamper your muscles, including the diaphragm, which in turn makes it feel like you can't take a full breath. You keep trying to, you hyperventilate and then you REALLY feel short of breath.

26-03-19, 19:26
Have you been checked for GERD, post nasal drip etc? Both of those conditions can cause sore throats and breathing difficulty.

Even without those, being stressed and being anxious can severely hamper your muscles, including the diaphragm, which in turn makes it feel like you can't take a full breath. You keep trying to, you hyperventilate and then you REALLY feel short of breath.

Funny you should say that i am suppose to take omeprazole for GERD and the docotr has just gave me a nasal spray for the nasal drip. I wasnt sure if those problems caused what i am feeling

26-03-19, 19:30
GERD goes hand in hand with asthma apparently, and it makes the effects worse. My peak flow could be showing normal when I have reflux, but I feel short of breath.

Weight loss and omeprazole sound like good starts here.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

27-03-19, 19:53
As others have said, gerd can cause those symtpoms. I had it due to being about 15 pounds overweight and I too felt like my throat was closing or restricted. I had myself convinced Id stop breathing at one point. Its a nasty sensation and feels truly awful. Losing weight will help tremendously.

27-03-19, 20:01
I know with anxiety you can feel symptoms etc but how can they be there constantly?

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Positive thoughts

28-03-19, 20:54
Well yes, but it can also be caused by more tangible, physical reasons. Saying that, the physical and mental causes tend to go hand in hand once we're anxious.