View Full Version : hi

17-01-05, 19:23
hi guys im 26 years old and i come from scotland i have suffered with panic attacks for around 13 years only now over the last couple of years they have gotten worse.

I panic over the sligtest twinge in my body if i have a chest pain which i have just found out that its comman in panic attacks i though i was having a heart attack and if i have a headache i have a brain tumour.

These fear have just started after i had my son was born 7 weeks ago but before that i had the fear of being sick which i dont have any more.

I just want them to go away so i can lead a normall life.

Sometimes i cant even go out the house and i panic which i dont want i want to be able to go out with my kids.

Its werid cause on other days i can go out and be akay.

17-01-05, 20:03
Hi Taylor

Welcome aboard the message forum.

We all get panicky when we get such horrid side effects and we panic thinking that we are dying etc.

We can hopefully get you back on track and out there again so stick around to read more ok?


17-01-05, 20:05
Congratulations on the baby by the way - hope he is doing well?


18-01-05, 00:59
Hi Taylor

Firstly welcome to the site and congratulations on the birth of your son.

It is hard how you are feeling, but her you will get the help and support you need.

I am sorry to hear the panic attacks have got worse but you have had some stressful events in your life. I can tell you it will get better and you wont believe me, but it will.

We all dream of a normal life and it will happen when you can take the kids out and feel okay, takes time and getting the confidence back and it will come back.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

18-01-05, 08:50
Hi Taylor

Welcome to the site.

Congratulations on the birth of you baby son.

**I just want them to go away so I can lead a normal life**
I felt just the same as you, untill I found this site back in August
last year, now I feel alot better, some days I am 100% better.
With alot of hard work support and time you to can learn how
to feel better.
You have come to the right place, there are lots of nice people
here who will help and support you.



Great changes may not happen right away,
but with effort the difficult may become easy.

18-01-05, 09:36
Hi Taylor

Welcome to the site and congratulations on the birth of your son.

It is common to fear that every symptom you get is a sign that there is something seriously wrong with your health when you suffer from anxiety. Are you getting any help with this from your doctor? You can get over this and get back to the life you want.

You'll find a lot of help and support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

18-01-05, 11:45
hi and tks i have to go back to my doctor on the 1st of febuary too see how i feel she did offer me tablets but i dont want them because then i will have to rely on them and i dont want that i would rather get better myself and not from the help of tablets.

Somedays i feel great and other days i dont want to get out of bed.

18-01-05, 13:03
Hi Taylor,

You're doing well as zou know why and when you get your attacks. You have 'health anxiety' and that respnds well to CBT either self taught if you have to -or with a therapist.

Most of our knowledge of medical conditions comes from filme, TV or news - all of which are sensationalized therefore noone ever gets a headache - thez get a tumour and we learn to associate symptoms with illnessess and as we know a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

You need to learn with CBT to underreact to things until proven otherwise.

(Sorrz about mz spelling - I'm using a keyboard abroad and its hard to adapt.)


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

18-01-05, 15:57
i can understand you saying that i never bothered about death untill my died of cancer last march then thats when these anxitey came from.