View Full Version : What A Relief!

08-09-07, 06:55
Hi my name is Mandy. I am (only just, two days ago) 39, married with a ten year old son and work fulltime as a Food Safety Officer for a local authority, a job, which, whilst I do enjoy, find very demanding and incredibly stressful. I am sitting here desperate for some answers but just grateful to find a website which can help solve all my symptoms and questions relating to the horrendous feelings I am currently feeling (at this time in the morning, mind you I have been awake a couple of hours). My problems arise, I think, when I am run-down and tired. I have had a few manic weeks, re work and social events which culminated in a friends wedding yesterday. I got home late and then, because I was overtired and couldn't switch off ( a comman problem I have) I proceeded to watch tv programmes I had taped earlier in the evening. Not the best idea, and I actually realise this at the time but continue to watch and stay awake. Therefore I finally got to sleep at prob half two. I awoke, not sure why at 5ish this morning and then went down the slippery slope of suffering a terrible (worst one for me for sometime) panic attack where I feel like I am suffering a stroke/heart attack and can't breathe. My husband ignores my pleas for help (not his fault as he is soundly asleep and probably thinks I am having a(nother) bad dream!!, where is a paper bag?? We do not possess one and where can you actually get one from these days anyway? These feelings of dread and helplessness, (I am so scared and frantic) seem to last hours and of course now whilst I feel calmer, my body feels like lead and my co-ordination/head is slow and 'un-real', if that makes sense. Not sure why these feelings came on other than I have really pushed myself lately and got over-tired; work is piling up and I am trying to fit in too much into my social (what's that?) diary by over-commitment to family and friends.

Anyway I feel better now and want/need to go back to bed (safe in the knowledge that I am not dying...) but the fear is when will the next attack occur and will I ever be free (these syptoms started about two years ago and I had to take 4 months off work but when I look back the sigms were there probably several years before...)

So glad to have found this website..for me it's a lifeline and reassuring to know that there are lots of other people out there in a similar situation who UNDERSTAND!


08-09-07, 07:52

Hi Mandy welcome to NMP.

Your story is so like a lot of others on here so you have come to the right place:)

You'll find you'll get loads of support and advice when needed and make some really good friends. It's not all doom and gloom either we have a right good laugh too.

So pleased you found us :flowers: :flowers:

08-09-07, 13:01

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

08-09-07, 13:55
Hi I have the heart attack thing as well. Mine started 4 months ago and ended up in an ambulance. Quite terrifying isn't it? I've had 2 ECGs and blood tests all came back fine. Are you on any tablets? I'm on beta blockers.

08-09-07, 14:53
Hello Mandy And Welcome..............linda

08-09-07, 15:32
Welcome Mandy:D

Luv Kaz x

08-09-07, 18:04
:welcome: Mandy

Lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help.

08-09-07, 20:12
Hi Mandy and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. Have you tried a local green grocers for a paper bag?

Take care,

Mike :)

08-09-07, 20:17
Hi Mandy,

Welcome to the site. Many here know how you feel and you will get support.



08-09-07, 21:36
Hi Mandy

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


09-09-07, 19:22
Hi Mandy,

A big warm welcome to you. xx