View Full Version : terrified...could this be manic depression?

08-09-07, 07:48
I am going through a very rough week at the moment as I had a day where I felt very happy in the morning till about 6pm ( I had an "aha!" thought regarding what I wanted to do with my life career-wise so I was almost ecstatic as if someone had just won the lottery), then BANG a huge wave of depression came, but the type that is very physical and you know it is depression because you can't distract your thoughts and just snap out of it, so of course my first thought was I must be manic depressed :weep:
I tried calming myself down, but then I started thinking back to about 8 months ago, when I had a very similar episode, so that just kept playing on my mind that it has happened before, what if I really am manic depressed?
Of course as the whole analysis and introspection started I am very depressed since (it has been 3 days as it happened on Wednesday) but really like I just don't want to get out of bed, crying a lot already that my life is over and feeling that I will never get out of this rut. Another thing that absolutely terrifies me is that when I get this depressed I feel EXHAUSTED even when I wake up, I start crying because I have to get out of bed and then more tears because I feel this way and because it feels that it will never go away :weep::weep::weep:

I do need to mention though that I am pre-menstrual, but I don’t always get this way before each period, and I did have 3 coffees on Wednesday and apparently coffee and pre-menstrual tension doesn’t really go down well. A friend of mine reckons that she gets really depressed and down once the effect of the coffee is gone.

However I have been going through hell with all my what ifs and somehow in the back of my mind I just can’t let go of the manic depression fear and its eating me up!
What if I really am manic depressed? :weep:

Hubbie although listens to my fears just dismisses them immediately as a load of crap.

Someone any advice please?

08-09-07, 07:57
I am manic depressive, or bipolar as it is generally called these days.

Whilst it is different for everyone, I don't think you sound manic depressive.
Seratonin, the brains 'happy' horemone reduces as the day goes on. So it is perfectly normal to feel more low or depressed as the evening wears on. This is similar for mornings as often the seratonin levels are lower in the morning. Depressed people are not always depressed all day. You do sound however, depressed, but that may be PMS I don't know:shrug: Your friend is right about coffee with regards to depression, possibly PMT too. I think the reason being is that we have to learn to let our brains relax, but caffeine stimulates it.

I don't think it would do you any harm to discuss with your GP.


09-09-07, 16:32
I am going through a very rough week at the moment as I had a day where I felt very happy in the morning till about 6pm ( I had an "aha!" thought regarding what I wanted to do with my life career-wise so I was almost ecstatic as if someone had just won the lottery), then BANG a huge wave of depression came, but the type that is very physical and you know it is depression because you can't distract your thoughts and just snap out of it, so of course my first thought was I must be manic depressed :weep:
I tried calming myself down, but then I started thinking back to about 8 months ago, when I had a very similar episode, so that just kept playing on my mind that it has happened before, what if I really am manic depressed?
Of course as the whole analysis and introspection started I am very depressed since (it has been 3 days as it happened on Wednesday) but really like I just don't want to get out of bed, crying a lot already that my life is over and feeling that I will never get out of this rut. Another thing that absolutely terrifies me is that when I get this depressed I feel EXHAUSTED even when I wake up, I start crying because I have to get out of bed and then more tears because I feel this way and because it feels that it will never go away :weep::weep::weep:

I do need to mention though that I am pre-menstrual, but I don’t always get this way before each period, and I did have 3 coffees on Wednesday and apparently coffee and pre-menstrual tension doesn’t really go down well. A friend of mine reckons that she gets really depressed and down once the effect of the coffee is gone.

However I have been going through hell with all my what ifs and somehow in the back of my mind I just can’t let go of the manic depression fear and its eating me up!
What if I really am manic depressed? :weep:

Hubbie although listens to my fears just dismisses them immediately as a load of crap.

Someone any advice please?

Could the underlying reason be your not sure what you want to do with your career and its got you depressed?? Your having "What if scary thoughts" at the min I.E what if i'm manic depressive, all it is is generalised anxiety nothing more, and the more you dwell on it the more you get yourself worked up etc etc.. Coffee and Caffeine in general should be avoided altogether if you suffer anxiety, Give it up, you will notice the difference. The key really is to replace these what if thoughts with positive dialogue, I.E what if i'm manic depressive, - Of course i'm not manic depressive, its just part of my anxiety condition and it will go away:)