View Full Version : High Bp

26-03-19, 13:27
I have had high blood pressure for awhile. It has went up and down a bit based on my aniexty levels or dismissed. Recently at home my husband checked his at which I avoid like the plaque but decided to. It was 164/98. I did it again and of course it went up. It went up to 187/115. I called the doctor in the morning and couldn't get in so I went to the walk in clinic and he started me on a pill. Lying in bed this morning when i woke up i am 165/98. I have another appointment with my family go today. Anyone else have anxiety so bad you can really fatten up these numbers.
I am a nervous mess now trying to stay calm as these numbers are so dangerous. I am.50 and maybe 15 pounds over weight.

26-03-19, 14:41
Yes! White coat syndrome could cause this. I assume the reason you were put on medication right away and not offered ambulatory monitoring is because guidelines are to start medication immediately if blood pressure is >180/110.

I note you're in Canada so the guidance could be different there (probably a lower threshold)

The problem with anxiety induced hypertension (excluding white coat syndrome) is that it is still hypertension. It will still cause damage, even though its being caused by anxiety.

Hypertension (which is treated) doesn't deserve the unnecessary fear it causes on here imho. Although yes it's a risk factor for heart disease, it can usually be effectively managed and controlled through simple lifestyle measures and medication.

My uncle, for example, developed heart problems at 46. Of which HTN was also present. He completely turned his lifestyle around and his doctors are amazed. He's turning 77 (yes 77) this year and had CABG about 25 years ago I believe.

Before all this he smoked and drank and did everything you should do if you want heart disease. But he's turned his lifestyle around and is arguably healthier than many men in their 50s (certainly more active and a great diet etc)

IMHO the survival statistics would be greatly improved for heart disease if all patients were like him - a lot don't take their medication, forget to take it, continue poor lifestyle etc.

Definitely white coat could be at play here, but seeing as you're 50 there's likely a hypertension perspective to it (statistically speaking). We're now seeing that 1 in 10 men under the age of 35 have htn!

But yes there's a LOT worse out there to be diagnosed with than hypertension, so follow your doctors advice.

26-03-19, 15:08
Thank you. I definitely will be doing that. I need to toss the white coat fear into the ocean.