View Full Version : Can anyone else relate? Anxiety or something else!?

26-03-19, 14:45
I was diagnosed with anxiety/panic disorder about 10 months ago and im really struggling to accept that diagnosis! The constant everyday symptoms make it a struggle to even function sometimes. Ive had blood tests, ECGs, brain/body scans - nothing found! Im just convinced something else is going on! Im currently trying CBT but its just really hard convincing myself its all anxiety! Its like trying to convince yourself 2+2=5, you know its 4 and it just cant possibly be 5 if you know what I mean.

My current symptoms:

Dizziness (Like a swaying/elevator drop feeling)
Sense of impending death (pretty much constant)
Twitching (calf&feet mainly but can be body wide)
Adrenaline rushes
Derealisation (like Im an alien in my body)
Eye floaters (especially when its bright)
Internal vibrations (like a phone strapped to you)
Pin prick sensations randomly all over body

Can anyone else relate to this? Feel like Im going crazy!!

26-03-19, 14:47
You just listed some of the most common anxiety symptoms. Sounds like your diagnosis was spot on to me. I've had most of your symptoms and more.

26-03-19, 14:48
That actually sounds pretty much like textbook anxiety to me.

26-03-19, 14:58
Thanks for the quick response 😊. It’s just a real struggle at the moment trying to convince myself it’s all anxiety. My body seems to be hypersensitive to every sensation I get! I think it stems from when I first started to go through all this, I would be constantly looking at google convincing myself I had a brain tumour, Lyme etc... what have you found helps?

26-03-19, 15:02
Staying away from Google, mostly, and trying not to seek reassurance. If you try your best to treat the sensations as nothing, sooner or later your subconscious will finally start believing it.