View Full Version : Trip Anxiety

26-03-19, 19:54
Hi everyone, I have been browsing this website for many years and have been helped and comforted reading about the experiences of others.
I’m having issues right now dealing with an upcoming trip.
Yesterday I got a call from a radio station saying I won a trip to Spain! I entered once and there were others that entered 5+ times.

So anyways I’m shocked-the trip is in a month. We are seeing a favourite band twice. It’s for five nights and I live in Canada.

I can’t shake the anxious feeling I’ve had since I won. How I don’t deserve it as much as the hardcore fans, I’m just going to ruin the trip with my anxiety.

My anxiety has always been centered around travelling, basically leaving my “safe space”. I can’t eat or sleep beforehand and it takes a toll.

I KNOW this is a one in a lifetime experience and I would deeply regret it if I don’t go...how can I cope with this and not ruin the trip for my husband?

27-03-19, 01:35
I actually just signed up on this forum 10 minutes ago for just about this same reason. The safe space thing hits home with me in a major way. One helpful thing I've read is planning out what your days are going to look like on the trip, so you can be in control of what you'll be doing to some extent. It seems like that will be something that helps me. I leave for my trip in 6 days so I'm making some notes in my phone like this for instance, "Wake up Tuesday, get coffee, head to beach for a run, do some mindfulness mediation on the beach after run...". This has already helped me feel a little more peaceful before the trip. If it works for you, just keep planning and when you're on the trip you can deviate from the plans if you'd like because even doing that you would be taking control in the moment.

Just my thoughts, I'm brand new here so I hope I answered appropriately