View Full Version : First panic attack in years

Yorkshire born
26-03-19, 20:24
So after 2-3 years, it’s been that long I’m not sure, I just suffered minor panic attack tonight.

I was talking on the phone and all of a sudden my ear started popping and I became hyper aware of my heart beating. My mind started racing with thoughts that something terrible was about to happen and I was only just able to hold it together to get to the end of the call.

I’ve been able to calm myself down afterwards but I feel shaken, and honestly like I could break down and cry.

It was a minor attack but it came from what feels like no where, though in reality I have to recognise there have been warning signs recently, it was still a huge, unpleasant, surprise.

I’m now trying to relax but I’m afraid that fear of more painic attacks, will trigger further panic attacks.

Writing on here is always a huge comfort, just putting my feelings into worlds helps immensely. Also, looking back at my previous posts, I’m actually amazed at how unwell I was a few years back compared to how I am now. Hopeful I can pick back up some of the techniques which helped me before.

Thank you to everyone on here for always being there. I needed this place tonight.

29-03-19, 08:15
So after 2-3 years, it’s been that long I’m not sure, I just suffered minor panic attack tonight.

I was talking on the phone and all of a sudden my ear started popping and I became hyper aware of my heart beating. My mind started racing with thoughts that something terrible was about to happen and I was only just able to hold it together to get to the end of the call.

I’ve been able to calm myself down afterwards but I feel shaken, and honestly like I could break down and cry.

It was a minor attack but it came from what feels like no where, though in reality I have to recognise there have been warning signs recently, it was still a huge, unpleasant, surprise.

I’m now trying to relax but I’m afraid that fear of more painic attacks, will trigger further panic attacks.

Writing on here is always a huge comfort, just putting my feelings into worlds helps immensely. Also, looking back at my previous posts, I’m actually amazed at how unwell I was a few years back compared to how I am now. Hopeful I can pick back up some of the techniques which helped me before.

Thank you to everyone on here for always being there. I needed this place tonight.

Ok, so you've possibly been more stressed lately, or there's another reason why your CNS has been over stimulated?

The thing to remember here is that they went away before, and they will again. You can cope with panic attacks, they're transient, they pass.

Just carry on as normal, don't adjust your current life to compensate for the anxiety EXCEPT identifying the potential stressors and finding extra time to calm your mind and body. Meditation, walks outdoors, yoga etc. Whatever it is that allows you to find your calm. If you have another panic attack....and you might....just sit with it. Let it do it's thing and then carry on as normal.

31-03-19, 06:15
Hello Yorkshire

I can totally relate to what you wrote
I have had anxiety my entire life and it waxes and wanes
Its ugly head reared itself in November of last year and since then I have also feared its reoccurrence
You would think by now that I would be better at this but I guess not
Funny you mentioned the phone as I literally was on the phone with a friend a few minutes ago and started to feel the anxiety sensations- lightheadedness is my key sensation of late. Honestly. over the years I have had a parade of symptoms- lightheadedness, throat issues such as not being able to swallow, missed heartbeats, palpitations and the like
I have gained so much help from Claire Weekes books.
AnxietyJoe is correct, they are awful yet they do pass. Although you said it came "out of the blue" there may have been a trigger you were unaware of- something you ate, tiredness and so on.
Keep in mind too that we anxiety sufferers are super sensitive to any physical and bodily sensation rather like a sensitive thermostat. Just a little twinge or increase in body heat can send us off and running
So many experts in the field speak of letting it pass over you, surrender, and let it have let it have its way. Weekes speaks of acceptance and floating.
I find that humming loudly or singing loudly helps some as it is related to stimulating the vagus nerve which helps to calm our sympathetic nervous system
Chin up and know you are not alone
Blessings to you and let us know how you are doing

01-04-19, 03:54
So after 2-3 years, it’s been that long I’m not sure, I just suffered minor panic attack tonight.

I was talking on the phone and all of a sudden my ear started popping and I became hyper aware of my heart beating. My mind started racing with thoughts that something terrible was about to happen and I was only just able to hold it together to get to the end of the call.

I’ve been able to calm myself down afterwards but I feel shaken, and honestly like I could break down and cry.

It was a minor attack but it came from what feels like no where, though in reality I have to recognise there have been warning signs recently, it was still a huge, unpleasant, surprise.

I’m now trying to relax but I’m afraid that fear of more painic attacks, will trigger further panic attacks.

Writing on here is always a huge comfort, just putting my feelings into worlds helps immensely. Also, looking back at my previous posts, I’m actually amazed at how unwell I was a few years back compared to how I am now. Hopeful I can pick back up some of the techniques which helped me before.

Thank you to everyone on here for always being there. I needed this place tonight.

I understand you pain 100% the same is happening to me with panic attacks, im beginning to realise happiness is the cure for this, if you aint happy it sticks around to haunt you.

now this may sound silly but i found an excellent way of deterring these attacks, i simply pick up my paintbrush and humbrol paints and start painting something, it takes my mind off it in 5 minutes flat. even in a panic state once i start to paint the attack disappears, so this illness is mind over matter, i know it seems impossible to do anything but panic when you're in that state and on edge but it really works for me.

i wish you all the best my friend

claire weekes was an amazing woman, i listened to her tapes they are awesome

please listen to this:


01-04-19, 12:36
Damn I'm in the same boat today too! I've also spotted warning signs. No advice I'm afraid except to say hang in there. I'm mid panic attack as I write this and it's awful. Trying to keep my head occupied by typing and talking.

I have the claire weeks audio CD's. I've worn them out.

01-04-19, 17:45
Thats it youre doing the right thing by doing something to stimulate the mind when it starts, its all about telling yourself anxiety isnt important and tell it to bugger off.

I too am a musician m8, also run a radio program on synth fm: feel free to have a listen: https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABL5E1vbTswdp8E&cid=FC17D93E77800959&id=FC17D93E77800959%211410&parId=FC17D93E77800959%211350&o=OneUp