View Full Version : Corned beef legs

27-03-19, 20:13
Hi everyone, this may sound strange but I have noticed recently that I have a corned beef effect on my legs, worse when standing up, does anybody else have this? Of course I have googled and found some terrible things

27-03-19, 21:27
You mean mottled/patchy effect of skin? I wouldn't think it's at all serious. Some people get it on their palms too, especially when cold or anxious.

27-03-19, 21:29
Yes mottled looking, it goes away when laying down but appears again when stood up,

27-03-19, 21:39
I think it's to do with circulation and quite common/harmless.

27-03-19, 21:45
I get this quite lot, as I tend to sit cross legged alot. It's been happening to me since I was a child and I'm 22 now!

27-03-19, 21:51
I googled and it came up with auto immune disorders and heart problems, it looks awful,

27-03-19, 21:52
Just tried putting some fake tan on to try and cover it up as I'm getting obsessed with it

28-03-19, 13:31
Google will say you have everything under the sun, including sun damage. :shades:

28-03-19, 15:05
It's so strange, wasn't there when woke up but when on feet all day it appears