View Full Version : Pressure on bladder, classic HA?

27-03-19, 20:46
Good evening all,

I've had health anxiety on and off for years, (28 YO male). Having just got over a different health anxiety scare I've started to control myself. However it seems after one type of anxiety I have, I have about a week 'off' being anxiety free then boom back onto something else. However I have had this bladder problem on and off for about a year now, it seems to develop (or am I just noticing a serious health issue?!) after I have had a really tough time with anxiety. It's basicallly in an afternoon/evening/night I feel like I am hyper aware of my bladder which feels like I have pressure on my bladder like I need to urinate! So when i first had it about a year ago I told the GP that I was worried I have MS (due to other classic HA symptoms) he was adamant that wasn't the case which made me feel better. However he sent me for a ultrasound scan on my bladder and kidneys incase it was kidney stones. Had the scan and was told there and then that it was all clear and eventually the pressure problem went away (couple of weeks or so?!) or was I forgetting about a serious problem again. So fast forward to now I have the complete same symptoms and now I'm panicking that it's some sort of cancer?! Arghh. The reason this has suddenly popped into my head is due to a previous HA symptom I've had since xmas that involves a lump?!!!.

Reluctantly I've consulted google quickly and ultrasound scans do show tumours etc which makes me feel a little better. But surely if it's somthing that comes and goes it can't be that? Or am I ignoring obvious symptoms all the time?!!!!

This was the first thing I've googled with HA for months and really don't want to go down that slippery slope again.

Is focusing on organs/bodily functions classic HA?

Many thanks


27-03-19, 21:05
Is focusing on organs/bodily functions classic HA?

That and attributing sinister things to the symptoms (as you're doing) is literally the definition of HA. You might want to take a look at THIS. (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Kidneys_urgency_to_urinate_frequent_urina tion_sudden_urge_to_go_to_the_toilet)

Positive thoughts

27-03-19, 22:38
My brother got to the point that he couldn’t leave his house because he thought he would need to wee, even though when he got to the loo nothing came. Complete anxiety. 9 years on Citalopram and he’s a changed man, but it was disabling for him for a time. Definite anxiety can do this to you

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28-03-19, 00:48
Over the last 2 months I've had many things to deal with and my stress.levels have been through the roof. For about 3-4 weeks I was dealing with similar issues. A weird urge to urinate that didn't seem to go away. It seemed worse as the day went on through the evening. I was focused on it all day and if I didn't notice it I would start waiting for it to start again. I got my thoughts together and it has all but gone now. Definitely an anxiety symptom as I was told here as well actually. Hang in there, your going to be alright.

31-03-19, 18:22
Had to reply to this. I had exactly the same. It felt like I had a ball on top of my bladder. Even after I had a wee the pressure was back immediately. No urine infection, nothing. When I was convinced of this it went away. I am sure the same is true of you. the mind of someone with Ha is an evil place

31-03-19, 18:53
It's crazy to think that something as natural as urinating can be affected by anxiety but I know first hand that it can as many here do as well. A poker buddy of mine who is a doctor but not in urology explained this the other night really well. Our kidneys are cleaning our blood every second and basically the waste is produced as urine. This is happening constantly so basically your body is alway producing urine. If you have health anxiety and it latches on and you start hyper focusing on the sensation of having to urinate, your going to feel the urge constantly as the nerves in and around the bladder are going to be stimulated constantly. I dealt with it for almost a month. Once I got my self together I can now easily go hours in between where before I was convinced I would have to pee constantly for the rest of my life. Sorry for the long post, feels good to write that though.

Take care everyone