View Full Version : Worried about getting brain eating amoeba

27-03-19, 22:49
I was drinking some water from my water bottle earlier and started to choke on it for some reason, and I think some of the water got up my nose when I was choking. You know how people will shoot foods or liquids out of their nose by accident when laughing really hard at dinner? It was like that. I got this water from the water machine, which has a filter in it, and the water comes from the municipal supply (which comes from tanks and is supposed to be treated). I live in the Northeastern US and hear about things like this happening in swamps and lakes in the South, but I've heard about someone getting it from tap water in Seattle.

27-03-19, 23:01
So I guess you recovered from ALS?

Positive thoughts

27-03-19, 23:05
So I guess you recovered from ALS?

Positive thoughts

I still have some twitching, but I have been able to lift weights and am just as strong as ever, so I don't think I have ALS. If I do, it's the slowest progressing form of ALS I've heard of..

27-03-19, 23:07
HA Database results for "Getting Brain-eating Amoeba":

1. Nothing
2. Zilch
3. Nil
4. Nada
5. Zero

Please look at similar threads below for confirmation of this :shades:

27-03-19, 23:35
You have deleted all your old posts again I see which is not fair on those that helped.

Also, I am still waiting for you to reply to a PM I have sent you several times.