View Full Version : Mouth Cancer fears

29-03-19, 18:57
Evening everyone, I'm freaking out a little bit right now as I'm worried about oral cancer.

I was eating some food this afternoon and got a bit lodged at the top of my mouth. I used my tongue to try and push it out and as I did I found a bump on the roof of my mouth. I went to a mirror and had a look and found what looks like a small bump with a white head. I've had ulcers on my gums before, but this is on the top of the mouth and doesn't hurt at all. Since it's not hurting I'm not freaking out that it is oral cancer - help!

Pea Tear Griffin
29-03-19, 19:24
You may have caught your mouth a few days ago and not noticed and now its nearly healed you don't feel any pain there.

29-03-19, 19:32
You're adding 2 and 2 and coming up with a ladder.