View Full Version : Really bad time today after battling all week

30-03-19, 09:24
Hi all, I'm new to this forum so hope all ok to say.
I'm 37 and have GAD which has caused depression and I also have aggressive endemetriosis.
I have really crashed today with my anxiety, nausea, diarrhea, blurry vision, shakes, sweats the lot. I have not made it out of bed and now beating myself up over that too.
I struggled through all week feeling like this. I'm am on a daily dose of 75mg of venlafaxine and I have 10-40mg Propranolol, of which I have taken 30mg this morning.
Sleep is a major issue for me.
Just feeling really horrible and want the world to stop turning for a bit.......
Thanks all X

30-03-19, 09:40
Any coping tips would be much appreciated?? Xxxx

30-03-19, 10:17
Hello, sorry you’re struggling.
Are you seeing someone about your endometriosis?
I’m not great with coping tips really. I believe in relaxation exercises, me time and the power of a good bath x

30-03-19, 10:46
Thanks for reply. Going to try and get up and get on with the day and see how it goes. I just feel so sick.
I have an appointment scheduled for 18th as have a large cyst on right ovary which is agony, so hoping for an operation soon. Life has just all got a bit too much!

30-03-19, 10:56
It’s very tough isn’t it. I was recently diagnosed with a small cyst on my right ovary, no operation though as it’s only little and not supposed to be sinister.

30-03-19, 11:06
Got up and was then sick, it's a sucky illness, currently wrong time of month. Not sure if that or anxiety making me sick, or combination of both!