View Full Version : Anyone Help me?? I'm new on the forums

17-01-05, 21:05
Hiya all,

Well this is my first post on this website so i am hoping i am posting on the correct forum.
What i was wondering is what is the symptoms of OCD? as in the beginning symptoms of it.
I am a sufferer of Post Natal Depression and also have bad anxiety attacks as well and last few weeks i clean loads i find most days i cannot stop, i have to have shampoo etc lined up in the bathroom and if its not it drives me mad.
I cant go out without the house being tidy and i find that by the time im easing on my tidier its to late to go out as its time for the kids to come home from school then teatime etc. I am just overcoming a fear of going out so i dont want this cleaning thing to stop me from going out also i check everything at night as im worried about a fire happening and if the letterbox blows or anything i have to go downstairs to make sure there isnt a firebomb thats been posted through. I bet this sounds silly.
I have a CPN which i will see again next week also do i ring her about this or wait until her visit next week before i mention it.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer and i hope this isnt to long.



17-01-05, 21:14
Hi Amy

Welcome aboard. No-one in here will ever think you are silly or mad or not normal.

We all have problems and we spend a lot of time getting and receiving help.

Do you think your OCD is caused by other problems such as panic/anxiety ?

I used to be a bit OCD when I was at my worst with panic etc so I had to tackle that before I could work out which was worse - OCD or panic. I think mine was panic so I decided to tackle that first.

Talk to the CPN about these issues and see if they can help - CBT would really help you but I believe the waiting list is long!

I hope we can help and get you back on track so please stick around ok?


17-01-05, 21:18
Hi Ami

Welcome to the site

These do sound like OCD symptoms. I don't see any urgent need to ring your CPN about this though, I'm sure another week won't hurt. For the time being try to have a go at rationalising your thoughts and resisting the tempatation to do all this. Also have a look round the boards and see if there is any relevant info, and of course if you have any more questions just post them up.

OCD's just another form of anxiety, try not to worry about it too much, just do what you can.


17-01-05, 21:26

Thanks for the replies, its great to know im not completly alone on this. I was trying to work out if i was cleaning none stop to stop my panic on going out and avoid it or if i was just getting into a nightmare habit as im normally so lax about considering i have 5 kids to ruin about after, but as soon as they get one toy out now im waiting to see when they have finished with it so i can whip it back in the toy box much their annoyance!!!

I will stick around as im glad there is others out there.

Thanks again
