View Full Version : Weight loss question

30-03-19, 17:53
I always wonder when we see 'unexplained weight loss' or 'unintended weight loss' when reading about horrible things and theor symptoms (which i know i shouldnt look at) - does loss of appetite count as an 'explained' weight loss? And therefore not count as an unexplained weight loss... obviously i know the lack of appetite can be a bad sign but is also attributed to a lot of benign problems

30-03-19, 18:05
Loss of appetite tends to lead to reduced eating right?

And when you don't eat, you lose weight. If you are stressed and/or anxious, there is a direct identifiable reason for loss of appetite.

For example, this last month I moved to a new house. Selling my old home was complicated by some legal issues I had, and it took a LOT of effort and money to sort it out. Moving is already stressful, and that was just the tip of the iceberg. I ended up becoming incredibly, incredibly stressed out and lost 17lbs in 2 weeks. I barely ate a thing for a week, and slept about 10 hours in a week (actual numbers, I was a mess).

Stress and anxiety are direct, identifiable reasons.

And yes, stop reading about things. It serves no purpose.