View Full Version : Armpit lump

30-03-19, 18:16
Hi everyone, I’m beyond disappointed to be back here again. I haven’t been on for quite a while and thought I was really tackling this health anxiety. In some way I guess I have but in others not so much.
Anyway as you can tell by the title I’m concerned over a small less than pea sized lump/bump in my armpit. It started a few days ago when I woke up and my armpit felt a bit sore so naturally I looked and felt it expecting to see a red spot. I’ve had plenty of those before but I couldn’t see anything but could feel a slight bump or lump not really sure which it is. It feels smaller than pea sized. The first day it was so painful and I couldn’t raise my arm and it hurt even when my arm was relaxed by my side. The past couple of days it now only hurts if I actually press on it. I worry because all you ever hear is get lumps checked out and for women it can be related to breast cancer.
If anyone has had the same thing let me know. Just want to know there is nothing to worry about. I’m not going to run to my doctors I know to wait at least two weeks. I’m hoping within that time it will have gone.

Thank you in advance :)

30-03-19, 18:40
It could be a boil.

30-03-19, 18:53
Hey there Anxietygirl,

I'd say your doing pretty well if you haven't posted on here in a while. Just a little bump a long the road. No pun intended, probably should have worded that differently. Anyway, the fact that it's painful sounds like it's most likely just an irritation or perhaps an ingrown hair depending on the exact location. I agree, I'd give it a few weeks before going to the doc. I bet your alright.

Take care

30-03-19, 19:12
It doesn't sound like breast cancer, based on the presentation, especially since you have a history of spots in this area. It sounds more like a boil that is far enough below the surface that it isn't appearing as a red spot. The fact that it hurts less is good, it's probably going to resolve in the next week or two.

31-03-19, 09:43
It doesn't sound like breast cancer, based on the presentation, especially since you have a history of spots in this area. It sounds more like a boil that is far enough below the surface that it isn't appearing as a red spot. The fact that it hurts less is good, it's probably going to resolve in the next week or two.

Thank you for your reply. I do hope it resolves as I don’t want this HA to take over me again. Trying to ignore it but it’s very hard when you are worried about it. It’s still a bit sore but only when I press on it and it’s more of a mild pain now. The actual lump feels really small but just knowing it’s there panics me a bit.

31-03-19, 09:45
Thank you :)
Yes it was very painful the first day especially when stretching the arm up and even just having it relaxed by my side but now only hurts when pressed but a very mild pain. I just don’t like knowing I have something there. It’s very small but my mind won’t let me believe that is a good sign. I worried if the pain goes but the lump is still there does that mean something sinister.

31-03-19, 09:47
Let’s hope so!