View Full Version : Fed up of living in fear

30-03-19, 22:20
Hi. I hadn’t posted on here for a while and now suddenly I seem to be posting more and more. I just can’t help but live in this world of fear. I’d love to be married with kids and a gorgeous house except I’m not I’m at home, working all day, coming back home, spending the evening worrying about ‘what ifs’ and going to bed constantly thinking. I think about wether I have cancer, why do I feel lightheaded, why does my chest feel tight at times, why do I constantly need to check my heart rate, why do I feel my body or scan my body for things to be wrong. I never go a day where I don’t think in the back of my lond negative stuff. It’s wearing me out. Is anyone free for a chat as I feel you guys will understand me better than anyone else x

30-03-19, 22:28
Are you not getting any professional help?