View Full Version : throat issues- terrified

31-03-19, 11:22
I haven't been on here for a while. I have suffered from extreme health anxiety ofr many years.
2 weeks ago I started with a nasty feverish old. 3 days in I lost my voice which lasted about 4 days. However I still have a very sore throat and reallry sore mouth and earache. My throat feels bruised when I fswallow and my tongue - although looking no different, feels swollen and painful when I swallow I am terrified that this points to throat/noise cancer. Has anyone experienced anything similar Please

31-03-19, 11:59
Sounds like a sore throat to me.

Not sure what else to say about it....

Paracetamol, rest, hydrate....the usual things will allow it to heal eventually :)

31-03-19, 12:01
Thanks for your reply. It is nearly 2 weeks now. Everything I have read says earache and sore throat over 2 weeks = throat cancer

31-03-19, 12:05
I've had a sore throat for at least three weeks in the past - I should probably have had it checked as a course of antibiotics may have cleared it more quickly, but it really wasn't a big deal.

31-03-19, 12:18
Thanks for your reply. It is nearly 2 weeks now. Everything I have read says earache and sore throat over 2 weeks = throat cancer

Then you're reading the wrong things, and really shouldn't be reading up on it at all. Sore throats can last for weeks and weeks.

Just go to the Dr to check that it hasn't turned into a bacterial infection that requires antibiotics.

Either way, it's not cancer. Stop reading and self diagnosing.

31-03-19, 15:05
You probably had a cold that turned to laryngitis (which is just your cold virus focused in the throat.) I had this twice in the past year. It lasted longer than any other cold I've ever had because it takes ages for the throat to completely heal and for the post-nasal drip to stop irritating it.

If you haven't been to the doctor it wouldn't hurt to get a throat culture to check for strep since it's still so sore two weeks in. If it's strep antibiotics will make you feel better in 24-48 hours. If not, it'll continue to run its course. If your throat doesn't look extremely inflamed or have white or red sores in it, it's probably not strep (those are the tell tale signs), but a throat culture takes a second, so worth a check.

There's absolutely no chance it's throat cancer, though.

31-03-19, 15:16
There are so many awful viruses around at the moment. I’ve had a cough for 5 weeks and my doctor said they are lasting for about 6 weeks.

If I were you I’d go to your doctor. Not because it sounds like cancer, but because it sounds like a nasty infection. You may need antibiotics, so it’s best to find that out.

31-03-19, 17:43
Thankyou for everyone who has replied. It really helps. Everything always says - more than weeks - cancer. I think it is the earacheandsore mouth too that has wroried me. I have lots of catarrh too which may explain some it.I can feel myself spiralling and the fear taking hold so thankyou so much for responding

31-03-19, 18:15
Thankyou for everyone who has replied. It really helps. Everything always says - more than weeks - cancer. I think it is the earacheandsore mouth too that has wroried me. I have lots of catarrh too which may explain some it.I can feel myself spiralling and the fear taking hold so thankyou so much for responding

Strep can definitely make that entire area feel sore, so there's a chance it's that since it's lingering and so severe. Easy fix! I had strep last year and it made me feel AWFUL. But, it could just as easily be a virus. Only your doctor will be able to tell. Good luck! For now, try anti-inflamatories like ibuprofen and things like ice pops or hot tea to sooth your mouth and throat. That always helps me with bad sore throats.

31-03-19, 19:33
Everything always says - more than weeks - cancer.

No it absolutely does not.

Like I said before, stop Googling. You will always find what you don't want to hear on there.

02-04-19, 20:51
Hi I posted a couple of days ago. have had pharyngitis and now, 2 weekws on still have a very sore throat in one side. For the first time last evening I was free of a sore throat but it came back with a vengeance in the middle of the night
and all today . What's more scary is the earache I have on my left side each time I swallow. It is frightening me. Has anyone else experienced this. I would be very grateful for replies as my HA is spiralling out of control.

02-04-19, 21:04
Hey susie,

I'm experiencing the same thing at the moment actually. I had pharyngitis a few weeks ago and the last few days I've had a sore throat and my left ear is hurting. Especially when I swallow. Even the left side of my head and jaw/neck area are tender and kinda feel like my ear. I was at the gym.this morning and my buddie said hes got the same thing going on at the moment only in his right ear. I'm pretty sure it's sinus related and no big deal as I've dealt with it before. Stop spiraling, you'll be fine.

Take care

02-04-19, 21:08
This is exactly the same as the other thread you started about the same thing. Same advice applies.

02-04-19, 21:08
I'm sorry to hear that you're suffering too but it helps me to know I'm not the only one. I'm scared that it's not going away and that it hurts so much when I swallow

02-04-19, 21:09
I'm sorry. Fear is just beginning to escalate and I am terrified of going down this road again

02-04-19, 21:14

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

02-04-19, 21:33
Your certainly not the only one. Takes a while for ear, nose and throat issues to go away really. They can linger on for weeks and even go away only to comeback a week or so later. My daughter has been dealing with similar issues for the better part of 2 weeks now, my youngest son as well. They're both okay and so are you. Hang in there and maybe go get some fresh air and sunshine. Well, not sure about the sunshine part. I visited the UK for business and I didn't see the sun the whole time. Is it always like that? Anyway, hang in there. Your fine.

Take care

02-04-19, 21:33
I'm sorry. Fear is just beginning to escalate and I am terrified of going down this road again

Going down what road? You have an infection that needs to run it's course OR be treated with antibiotics if it's bacterial. Go to your GP and find out.

Either way, you'll get better with time, rest and by not stressing about it.