View Full Version : Hello :)

08-09-07, 22:04
Hi all. My name is Emma (AKA Sassy) and Ive been part of this site quite a while but haven't visited in ages.
I came across this site through a search engine when i was at my most low point.
This site saved me.

I have had panic attacks since 1993.
Whilst standing in a Que for McDonald's, i fainted at 4 months pregnant with my first born. Since that fateful day i have had anxiety, panic attacks, depression and OCD. It got to the point when i was too scared to be alone with my 4 children and i waited patiently for the 'men in white coats' to come and take me away.
Needless to say, they didn't and contrary to all my beliefs, i survived, the children survived and here i am (still lol).

I fear thunder and fireworks immensely!!

I have done countless research into mental illnesses and have learnt a lot about why i am like this and ways of getting through each battle.

I have had a lot of counselling over the years and been on and off antidepressants, diazepam etc.

Im here to find and make new friends who understand how i feel and to perhaps offer my advice and accept advice and learn through others experiences.

I hope i haven't sent you all to sleep..really just wanted to say hi LOL.

Emma xx xx

(A Survivor!) :yesyes:

08-09-07, 22:54
Hello Emma And Welcome.......i Hate Storms Myself And All That But Mainly Storms.....im Sure U Will Meet Peoples And Get Alot Of Info On The Forums ......wish Ya The Best.............linda

10-09-07, 22:11
Hi Emma and :welcome: back

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

11-09-07, 00:39
Hi Emma,

Welcome back to NMP. As you know you will find many here who feel like you do and will get alot of support.



11-09-07, 00:50
Hi Emma,

A big warm welcome back to you. xx

11-09-07, 12:13
Thanks everybody xxxxxxxxxx

11-09-07, 16:34
Hello Emma nice to meet you!! :yesyes:

11-09-07, 16:40
hey sassy

welcome back to nmp

Very nice to meet you and we are all here waiting for more friends

hope to chat to you soon

11-09-07, 18:54
Hi Emma

:welcome: back to NMP - lovely to see you again.

12-09-07, 21:50
Hello Emma!

Pleased to meet you - and :welcome:back!!


13-09-07, 00:50
hi and welcome