View Full Version : Strange symptoms - not getting much help from doctors

31-03-19, 16:33
I am now suffering from my third episode in a period of a little over a year of a strange cluster of symptoms (plus I've had 2 minor episodes). I'm curious if anyone has any clue at all what this could be or if you have ever experienced anything like this.

Headache, imbalance at times (feels like I'm walking on pillows), extreme noise sensitivity, difficulty walking especially if talking or chewing at the same time, can't eat crunchy food because the noise makes me feel like I will topple over, and the most puzzling symptom of all is that when I lightly touch the left side of my face (under my eye and around my ear) I get an extremely strange uncomfortable sensation, difficult to explain this, kind of like the touch is being exaggerated 100 times and it echos into my brain - it's not painful, just uncomfortable. These symptoms last about a month before leaving as mysteriously as they start.

When I'm at my worst with this I can barely walk or work or even talk because of the noise sensitivity. Walking downstairs is particularly difficult it seems because there is more pressure exerted on my feet and each step seems to hit my brain harder (I know I sound like a nut case, but I'm not!!). ENT couldn't find anything wrong and said migraine, neurologist barely examined me, brushed me off and said migraine, PCP just goes along with what they said, alternative physician said vitamin/mineral deficiency and wanted to sell me his very fancy expensive supplements (no thanks!). Lyme test was negative, blood work is generally okay, MRI was normal except for borderline chiari malformation (I'm told it's too small to cause any problems). I can't even find a name for some of my symptoms. Wondering if anyone has any clues?

31-03-19, 18:31
It does sound a bit like migraines. Go to your dentist and ask about TMJ. It sounds like a lot of it could be coming from your jaw. I have TMJ, which took years to discover, after having terrible migraines, ear pain and fullness, lightheadedness, tooth pain, and neck and shoulder pain. It wasn't until the tooth pain got so bad I thought I needed a root canal that my dentist told me it was TMJ and it all stemmed from grinding my teeth and probably started when I had a crown put on one of my teeth 4 years ago, which altered my bite just enough to cause all these problems.

31-03-19, 18:36

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


01-04-19, 02:56
It does sound a bit like migraines. Go to your dentist and ask about TMJ. It sounds like a lot of it could be coming from your jaw. I have TMJ, which took years to discover, after having terrible migraines, ear pain and fullness, lightheadedness, tooth pain, and neck and shoulder pain. It wasn't until the tooth pain got so bad I thought I needed a root canal that my dentist told me it was TMJ and it all stemmed from grinding my teeth and probably started when I had a crown put on one of my teeth 4 years ago, which altered my bite just enough to cause all these problems.

I've been checked for TMJ and that isn't the problem. Though I did have some dental surgery about 9 months before my first episode of this and thought it might be from that but the dentist said if it were the problem would have started immediately, not 9 months later. I know migraine can come in many forms but I have never heard or read of anyone having these kind of strange symptoms (nor have any of the doctors I've seen so it's really their best guess.).

01-04-19, 15:10
Hi, I can't say that I have all the same symptoms as you but I have a strange set of symptoms of my own. I do have the difficulty walking, then I have like adrenaline in my hands, dry nose, difficulty breathing, panic symptoms just before a bm...etc etc.
Been to loads of different doctors, no ideas. As just asyou the symptoms seem to come and go irrespective of my thoughts or my level of anxiety. Can I ask if you're a female and around middle age? I ask this because I have arrived at the conclusion that at least part of it is hormonal

04-04-19, 00:20
sail - i'm female and a little past middle age. I know hormones can do wacky things to the body. I hear that from other ladies all the time. I think my symptoms are too strange for hormone issues (though I do think I am hypothyroid), the facial thing seems to be some kind of nerve problem.

I'm sorry your doctors aren't being much help in trying to figure out what is wrong with you. Isn't is frustrating when they have no idea? I'm not sure what country you are from but in the US we have to pay for a doctor visit whether or not they can tell us what the problem is. This too me seems so wrong. Why pay just to get a shoulder shrug and an I don't know. If they can't figure out what is wrong they shouldn't be charging us.