View Full Version : Stomach Cancer / Acid Reflux

31-03-19, 20:34
Ok....Even as i type this I know its unlikely to be cancer but there is always a what if? That's what health anxiety does right? Anyway I wanted to air my worries nonetheless even if they may be unrealistic.

Just over a month ago I had acid reflux that wouldn't go away. I've had reflux before so no stress there. Eventually went to the doctor and he gave me Lansoprazole 30mg for 4 weeks. I then caught a strange virus which seemed to exacerbate the reflux. Had awful bloating which I've never had and wondered if it was the virus or side effect of the tablets. During all this I tried some Apple Cider Vinegar which tasted foul but considerably eased the reflux. Bloating continued with nausea and loss of appetite. Then my wife recommended anti yeast tablets which amazingly in my mind at least got rid of the bloat. Now I'm left with nausea and no appetite. I'm also awaiting blood test results for H Pylori.

I suppose because I've never had these symptoms before and they aren't going away I'm worried it could be the big C. Despite the fact my stools are fine, no vomiting and no loss of weight. Has anyone had symptoms like these and can offer some advice? I'm finding it all quite depressing!

31-03-19, 20:39
I had a weird throat thing and bad heartburn months ago, and got put on Omeprazole and it’s a miracle drug. What you’re describing just sounds like acid relflux, you just haven’t solved it yet. I’d go back and ask about Omeprazole combined with some Gaviscon advanced liquid. That’s what my ENT suggested and it worked well

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31-03-19, 20:46
I had a weird throat thing and bad heartburn months ago, and got put on Omeprazole and it’s a miracle drug. What you’re describing just sounds like acid relflux, you just haven’t solved it yet. I’d go back and ask about Omeprazole combined with some Gaviscon advanced liquid. That’s what my ENT suggested and it worked well

Isn't Omeprazole the same as Lansoprazole? as in they both are PPI's? Maybe they work in a different way?

31-03-19, 20:50
They are similar I believe, but sometimes people respond differently to different drugs, so worth a conversation with your GP at least. I also combined with Gaviscon to good effect

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23-04-19, 10:41
So I've just returned from the doctor and he has given me some Omeprazole. Hopefully this does the trick. I had the results of a blood test which showed high levels of Iron. This obviously worries me somewhat although the Doc did say it could be because I had a virus recently and the body has been fighting it. I have to have another blood test in June, has anyone else had high levels of Ferritin?