View Full Version : Lightheaded!!

01-04-19, 10:04
This symptom is really bothering me, I feel like I'm moving when I'm not. My head feels like it's twitching also. I feel like the floor is sinking or moving making me feel off balanced. I am trying to tell myself it's anxiety but it is worrying me. Has anybody overcome these symptoms. I keep saying I must go to the Drs but have a phobia of Drs and think they will tell me it's something serious.

02-04-19, 11:00
Hi Helen,

I have felt like this for the previous 2 years or so. What I tend to experience is head pressure (like a fuzziness) which makes me feel lightheaded and unbalanced - it seems to build in enviroments where I am not happy. Whilst sat at my work desk I feel the occasional head rush - like being in a lift which suddenly drops - sometimes whilst using the gym after work I can have real problems with using the treadmill as placing my feet becomes more unbalanced.
Have seen Drs / Neuro / MRI scan - all came back clear. Was prescibed amitriptyline and now nortriptyline for the tension style headaches but alas it still feels sometimes like I am walking on a bouncy castle and there is a tight band around my head.

So if it is of any assistance, I experience the above (does any of this sound familar ?) and nothing was found physically wrong. Hard to belive isn't it ?

03-04-19, 10:51
Thank you for your reply, I can't help thinking about why I feel this way and whats causing it even though I am 99% sure it's anxiety. I feel so off balanced at times and find it hard to walk without holding on to things. I feel just as bad at home and feel like I am going to fall. I know there's no quick fix solution to anxiety but it is making me want to stay in bed all day and not move. Everyday is a struggle. I do force myself to do things but it's so difficult when you feel like you will fall all the time. 😏

03-04-19, 11:28
Hmmm, it's strange that you also have the balance issues at home ? This is one of the few places where I experience no head pressure and it is quite a relief to feel 'normal'. For example today on waking felt 'ok' but now mid-morning at work I can feel head pressure/fuzziness - it's seems to be whenever around certain environments or people for too long.
There are plenty of decent people around however I find a lot are selfish, loud and small minded - the wind up starts right of the bat on the journey to work - almost guaranteed to be tailgated. Maybe this is my problem ?

Maybe if you can build up the confidence and check in with your GP - it will provide re-assurance if anything else ?