View Full Version : Scary thoughts about death lately...

02-04-19, 12:22
I've always feared death majorly, hence the health anxiety. But lately I feel like I'm having so many thoughts about how scared I am of death and fearing losing the ones around me...even though I always worried about my health, it was more like "in this moment what if I die because x or y is happening," not constantly worrying about death of myself and others around me. I had these thoughts occasionally before, but they'd never last - I'd kind of forget about it and keep living happily. But now I'm worried that because these thoughts are more often it means I'm going to die soon or someone I really love is going to die soon... and I feel so worried...do you think this is true:unsure: Sort of like a premonition...which I know is ridiculous but I can't relax after reading some people having predicted their own death because they 'felt' like they were going to die soon, although I'm sure there's heaps of people that 'felt' this way but are still very much alive...I just can't stop thinking about this

02-04-19, 12:33
This is confirmation bias, pure and simple. There's no news stories about people who thought they were going to die and then didn't, because it wouldn't be a news story.

About ten years ago, I was absolutely convinced my 71-year-old father was going to die within the year. He's still going strong now, though!

02-04-19, 13:02
I feel like deep down I know they're just thoughts, but I guess they cause the OCD to run wild and obsess about them. That's so great to hear about your father! I hope we can all live happily to at least the age he's at now!

It's just very hard to constantly be thinking what could go wrong death wise e.g. my mum goes out to the shops "what if she doesn't come back?" I might hear an ambulance and obsess that it's going to her! How ridiculous

02-04-19, 13:05
It is. I live close to my workplace, and I know my husband is shopping urgently. I just heard a siren pass by my window and I really had to fight the urge to phone and check he was okay.

02-04-19, 14:39
I guess I can't just expect it to go away then! We've all just got to be as positive as possible

02-04-19, 14:57
I guess I can't just expect it to go away then! We've all just got to be as positive as possible

That's it right there! :D "Life is 10% what happens to us, 90% how we handle it" - Charles Swindoll

Positive thoughts

14-04-19, 12:01
Only just saw this post, but very very true. Thank you