View Full Version : Freaking out big time! 😭

02-04-19, 13:44
Hi guys,

I have been having a some tummy pain for a while and (tmi?) a few weeks back had a little bleeding after sex (never had this before and it was while ovulation) but me being me freaked out and went to the doctor, my smear is due in a few months anyway so she did an internal and said everything looked normal and to just book in my smear (she also took so swaps), this morning I got a call from this doctor who adviced that the swab came back fine and that if I wanted to I could be referred to have a colposcopy??? Now I'm freaking out big time that she thinks I could have the big c??! Apart from lower tummy pain every now and then and the blood that one time I have no other symptoms.... All smears have been fine.

Its just one thing after another! Feel so sick.

Hope this all makes sense and thank you for reading my rambling! Xxx

02-04-19, 13:55
'swab came back FINE and IF YOU WANT can get a colposcopy'.... I can't see anything to worry about there?

Good luck

02-04-19, 14:09
Sounds like the doctor just covering the basis and no mention of cancer at all.

Up to you if you get the test done or not really.

05-04-19, 15:24
Thank you for your replies, still haven't had appointment through, just want it done now so I can move in x

06-04-19, 14:51
Thank you for trying out home teeth whitening kits (https://www.timesunion.com/marketplace/article/best-at-home-teeth-whitening-kits-18283018.php) and your replies, still haven't had appointment through, just want it done now so I can move in x

I hate it when they just do the basics. I always insist on having more done, or I look for a second opinion.