View Full Version : Been getting muscle spasms/twitching, is this harmless?

03-04-19, 13:59
HI guys. My anxiety hasn't been too bad for the last 3/4 weeks, but I am still on medication (propranolol) which I think has helped, along with trying to relax more. One thing I have noticed, however, is that I have been getting random muscle spasms and twitching. I generally have had them on various areas of my body. Sometimes I get a twitch/spasm on my thigh, sometimes on my upper right arm, and sometimes eye twitching. I haven't been very active for the last couple weeks. I used to go gym regularly, but have been a bit lazy lately. Do you think this is a reason? Maybe even my diet? I haven't been eating very good either :blush: a lot of junk food. I came off of caffeine about 3 weeks ago when I was suffering with ocular migraines. I do drink a vitamin tea which contains some green tea, but that's about it. I don't drink coffee or tea. I was drinking a lot of caffeine before I stopped, so could it be some kind of withdrawl symtom maybe?

03-04-19, 14:28
It's one of the most common symptoms of anxiety, probably best to stop looking for reasons. It just is. Once you find away to calm and rest, it'll pass eventually.

03-04-19, 18:24
Completely harmless. Ignore it.