View Full Version : Tumour fear

03-04-19, 22:25
Hey guys, looking for some help here. I’ve been doing really good, trying to control my HA the best I can but now there’s this thought that’s been annoying me.
So I’ve had this flanc/ waist discomfort on my left side since around November now, I also found what looks like a lump... went to the doctor who told me it was most likely a lipoma...then like always since I couldn’t reassure myself I went to the er and they told me the exact same thing...but till this day I still have that discomfort... I’m scared it could be a tumour or something... can someone please help me? If it was a tumour I would be experiencing more symptoms by now other than this slight pain/discomfort right?

03-04-19, 22:46
Doctors are usually good at telling the difference between a benign lump (e.g. lipoma) and a malignant one. Two doctors have both agreed lipoma. You'd have noticed it growing by now if it was cancerous.

04-04-19, 04:46
And I would be feeling sick right? Sorry I really just don’t want to google right now