View Full Version : Fear of macular degeneration

04-04-19, 00:59
I'm going to paste this here since my post doesn't show up on r/healthanxiety.

Two days ago while I was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling, I noticed some kind of wavy lines in my visions (like heat mirage or being drunk in GTA V), then I went on google to look up my symptoms and found the amsler grid diagnosis test for eye diseases. After doing this test, I am now convinced that I have macular degeneration. Since then every time I stared at texts on my computer screen, they seem to be wavy, something that I never noticed before. I tried to look everywhere to see if there's anyone that experienced something like this but so far found none, which is why I decided to make this post. I'm only 19, and now I can't focus on my school work because of it. Please help!

04-04-19, 14:05
You won't have it at 19 but go and see an optician and get your eyes tested anyway.

04-04-19, 14:14
I thought that was an old age problem. If I remember right I think the doctor said my mother had the start of it....she's 90.

get your eyes tested, you may just have simple eye strain.

04-04-19, 14:16
It can hit people younger - I have a brother in his early 50s who suffers from it, but my father's also a sufferer and they're investigating a genetic link.

04-04-19, 14:56
It can hit people younger - I have a brother in his early 50s

I'm 60. You know you're getting old when you refer to someone in their 50's as "younger" :winks: The OP is 19 (I have children older than that!) so its out of the question.

Positive thoughts

04-04-19, 14:58
Oh, I wasn't saying that there was a cat's chance in heck of the OP having this, just that it isn't exclusively a disease of the elderly.

04-04-19, 15:28
Oh, I wasn't saying that there was a cat's chance in heck of the OP having this, just that it isn't exclusively a disease of the elderly.

I know... just bustin' on you but its nice to know you consider 50's younger (my wife is in her 50's) :)

Positive thoughts

04-04-19, 15:30
You're only as old as the person you feel :shades:

04-04-19, 15:40
You're only as old as the person you feel :shades:

Utter filth! Stop feeling the person next to you forthwith :lac:

Status: Still no cat's chance in heck

05-04-19, 14:18
I have had some issues with my eyes too. I started worrying when I had a ocular migraine. However, I realised it was mainly diet or stress related.

I do look at a computer/phone screen a lot day to day, so think that's a big problem for me. For you it may be similar too. Like others said, it's unlikely to be degenerative problem but more so stress or looking at computer. Go get eyes tested. It will put you at ease.

05-04-19, 23:33
Thank you for replying to my post (I expected to not get a single reply since this symptom is not very common in this community). I just set up an appointment with my optician but it's not until next week, and now all the negative thoughts about going blind are flooding inside my head and I can't focus on anything and feeling very unmotivated.

05-04-19, 23:37
I have had some issues with my eyes too. I started worrying when I had a ocular migraine. However, I realised it was mainly diet or stress related.

I do look at a computer/phone screen a lot day to day, so think that's a big problem for me. For you it may be similar too. Like others said, it's unlikely to be degenerative problem but more so stress or looking at computer. Go get eyes tested. It will put you at ease.

Yes, I usually spend 6-8 hours a day on my computer (maybe even more during weekends) and am nearsighted, it could be ocular migraine but the problem is it only last for a small amount of time,but for me it's been like this ever since.