View Full Version : IÂ’m worried now

07-01-18, 12:25
Not sure I've write that right. But I've been suffering from this for maybe 2 years. Just wondering if anyone else has it. And what they do to help. I do walk alot work and taking kids to school and back. So yes I would be very grateful.

07-01-18, 12:36
I have it. When it first appeared, I didn't know what it was and the pain was so severe I went to hospital thinking I'd ruptured a ligament or something.

In my case, I don't do much in terms of helping it. I still go for runs and things like that. There are things you can do, but I mostly find it tolerable as it is.

Chris 614
07-01-18, 13:26
My mom had it for a few years and it was very painful. There are shoe inserts she used that helped some.

Catherine S
07-01-18, 13:38
I get it too...mostly in the summer if I wear flat sandals or flip-flops too much. I was told to try and wear shoes or sandals with even just a slight heel or wedge as raising the heel helps alot. It's really painful though so I do sympathise.

Cath S ☺

07-01-18, 13:50
I've had it twice, the second time lasted over a year.

There are exercises you can do that did help with the pain. You can google them. Think it's spelled fascitis.

07-01-18, 13:55
I developed it after wearing Uggs. Inserts and sketchers were the only thing that helped. Was also told to wear a slight heel now and again.

Have you asked for a referral? There are various treatments that can help if it is long term including a boot for sleeping in.

07-01-18, 16:56
My mum had it for some months last year. We got her a support for it that she wore and within weeks it was gone. She hasn't needed to wear it since.

It started due to her shoes that having enough support in and being a bit hard. I've had similar problems years ago as my arches aren't great so have to pad them if they are a bit flat.

07-01-18, 17:40
It is called plantar fasciitis

21-01-19, 11:42
hi everyone I haven't posted on here in a while. I'm not sure were to start. but recently ive been realy stressed over one of my jobs plus ive had a virus and a bad cough for about 2 weeks maybe a little over. as for my job I dread it everytime I see it. I get depressed and sometimes emotional. I feel my body needs a rest ive been very exhausted. Friday night as I was walking to work [I walk to work and back on both jobs plus the school run I don't have a car] I felt realy emotional and out of breath and started to feel I couldn't breath the emotional started the same time I couldn't breath. it realy frightend me but I was ok the rest of the nght. but been dreading this morning over the weekend. so again walked to work this morning and same happened but not as bad as Friday. I forgot to say.i walk up an hill with my jobs and just over a week my legs have been realy bad when ive walked like achy like ive done squats [exercise]. I feel so down and depressed and scared. I realy am dreading tonight.:weep::weep:

21-01-19, 13:03

It sounds like you're in quite a bad place at the moment. I know it's easier said than done, but really if one of your jobs is the cause of all this anxiety, you should consider looking for a new job? I know it's not great out there at the moment, job wise, but it could help.

Maybe as well you should consider seeing your GP... He/she can talk you through these problems, and maybe they might even suggest some time off work?

There's nothing you've described, symptom wise, that sounds worrying and to be honest, it's probably just your anxiety playing up and wreaking havoc on your body.

I'm sure other members will chime in with some advice, but please keep us posted :)

Good luck

21-01-19, 13:21
I'm so sorry you're going through this. It sounds like your job is making you anxious and depressed and you were having panic attacks on the way there. I agree with the above about seeing your doctor to discuss (mental health mostly). Can you take a few days off from work?

Forest Hart
21-01-19, 14:34
Hi Fruity
I am going through a very similar situation. Only last week I had one of the worse anxiety attack when I arrived at work. This was Monday and have been off work since. I saw my GP this morning, she has given me a certificate for 3 weeks to start with. My GP was so understanding and sympathetic toward my situation, I cried. I have had physical pain in various area of my body for no obvious reasons. I believe it comes from constant pressure, stress which leads to anxiety. It is your body trying to communicate to give it a rest, it cannot cope.
If you find the strength, go to your GP, ask for time off. When you are in a state of high anxiety it is difficult to make rational decisions, such as work situation or else. Give yourself and your physical body time to rest and regain strength. Then things will be clearer in your mind and make a decision regarding work.

Sending you positive energy x

21-01-19, 20:22
Also you just got over a nasty cold, those can make you feel shaky up to a month after wards

21-01-19, 21:28
thank you guys. yes my job is a big problem. and yes I'm just getting over a cold virus. Ive made the decision to hand my notice in. and in a way I feel like a weights been lifted but also feel quilty.and yes I do honestly feel I'm in a bad place at the moment. I had a lift up to work tonight when realy I should off walked just to see if it happened again. my legs are still hurting when I walked upstairs tonight. I don't know why. if it does continue I will have to go to doctors but I'm petrified just incase he says something bad. I don't realy want to take time off work because ill be faced with it again.

23-01-19, 12:58
The past week I’ve been having a bad head headache and pulsating in my head I have had a cough for a while now which my head hurts when I cough but wen I do something like walk upstairs or walk uphill and my head hurts with it. I have been so stressed over work but also my legs are really achy like I’ve done exercise I’ve ad my leg feelin maybe over a week or more again it’s mainly when I walk up hill I’ve mentiond this in another post not sure about my head though but the rest I’ve mentioned. I had a couple of small panic attack’s last Friday and Monday jus gone. maybe my body just needs time out I am petrified. I also wear my hair up tight. Please help.

23-01-19, 22:08
Surely someone's experienced this before or similar.

23-01-19, 22:16
maybe something out of wack with your neck, such as tight muscles, maybe sinus issues, not drinking enough water, best thing to do go to the doctor have them check your neck. Also if you have been sick with a bad cold that can make your legs feel that way and your head hurt.

24-01-19, 09:59
pkstracey. yes ive had a virus. cough realy bad and cold for about 3weeks now. my legs are realy bad.

07-02-19, 13:34
if you've read my posts you will know. if not ill be quick. about 3 weeks back maybe more but deffinetly not over a month. I came down with a cold and cough then maybe 3 weeks back my body arms legs started getting weak and I couldn't walk to work that good I had to keep stopping I had a couple of panick attacks walking to work. basicly ive still got it. yestaday and today my arms have been ok. but my legs are still bad on school run/work. ive had to have this week off from work. I haven't been able to get into doctors as there are no appointments. ive managed to get one next Friday. I would of tried to go erlia but I'm so scared of going to doctors/dentist. I start shaking and crying. but I know I need to go. the last few weeks being at work have been torture also doing cleaning which is what I do ive had to keep stopping as I'm that weak. today ive done hovering at home for the first in a week or so and its made me upset scared at how weak I am and my legs. all ive been doing is coughing and feeling a little sick. I was actualy sick yestaday it was bile. today I was sick but phlem. ive only got to walk a little and my legs are tired,achy. I keep feeling emotional. before this I walked a lot. to work and back twice. school run there and back. but now my brother as to tak me on the school run but I walk back on the last one save him waiting and it kills me off. I'm scared to go to the walk in centre. my anxieties are sky high. every emotion I'm feeling.:unsure::unsure::unsure:

---------- Post added at 11:18 ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 ----------

oh and I forgot to mention my head as been realy bad the past few weeks. I think due to coughing. bad head pulsating on coughing exertion walking upstairs anything like exercise.

---------- Post added at 13:34 ---------- Previous post was at 11:18 ----------

Please someone

07-02-19, 14:17
I am sorry you are going through this. I can feel your pain through your post. You need to get control of your anxiety. Are you doing anything in that direction? When you go to a doc, I suggest you get some idea from him/her on how to improve your mental state. No judgment, I've been there myself and know that it sucks, but the truth it, you need to help yourself get better, and fast. Cheers!

08-02-19, 08:27
I’m shaking and scared I’m crying

08-02-19, 09:19
Best of luck! I know it's tough but I'm sure you'll be okay.

08-02-19, 10:00
I'll be over with soon, then life will carry on afterwards - with things like this that become a barrier of fear I try to plan for things afterwards and think beyond the appointment. :D

08-02-19, 11:08
BLUEIRIS and CARYS. thank you. ive got a virus should go within a week. the body exam he did on me blood pressure put something on my index finger [think it could be to do with heart. ears,throat and weight. he said was all good. if I don't improve within 2-3 weeks come back. no antibiotics though.

08-02-19, 11:10
The thing on your finger is test your oxygen levels.

08-02-19, 11:46
nomorepanic. thank you. x

08-02-19, 15:30
'Just a virus' is always good to hear, wishing you a quick recovery. :)

08-02-19, 16:13
Wishing you a speedy recovery :hugs:

09-02-19, 05:25
Thank you.

09-02-19, 09:38
been up since 4am went a walk at 730am and my legs are still bad. tired achy I have to stop. doctor said alls good its virul and will go away within a week. read my posts if you want full story. I could just break down and I'm tired too.

09-02-19, 13:06
Starting multiple threads is frowned upon here, why not just update your original thread?

Hope you feel better

09-02-19, 13:47

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09-02-19, 22:16
Thank you

11-02-19, 12:04
I'm sure the whites of my eyes am tinged yellow. ive got a viral infec anything to do with it maybe? and ive just gone for a number two{sorry} and when I came back upstairs I had chest pain in middle of chest. gone now.

12-02-19, 13:25
this is just all getting on top of me now. I am so angry I wanna break thing up. walking to work this morning my legs still bad they were a little better yestaday. BUT. and the doctor said give it a week uh a week my backside. I'm crying here. because I feel its torture. I got a massive coldsore now its so painfull I have to have paracetamol for it. plus got two blister things on tongue. one at front and one at the back. I cant eat. AM I BEING PUNISHED OR WHAT! I cant take no more. I think ive got something wrong with me. and my head throbbing and my coughs getting me down. I need to SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEAM.feel like doing myself in. my chest is hurting through being angry. and I don't suffer anger isues by the way. its just because the way I feel. this cold weather irritates my chest and cough making me feel I cant breath.

17-02-19, 12:16
Still got this virus all my mouth is sore and bad and 3 cold sores on my lips I’m in agony any suggestions for my mouth and lips

17-02-19, 14:32
My daughter gets a lot of canker sores when she gets viruses and our pediatrician told us you can mix Maalox and Benadryl to make a kind of mouthwash/paste to sooth the sores.

It's 1 to 2 tbsp of Maalox mixed with 1/2 tbsp of diphenhydramine liquid. You just swish it in your mouth and spit and it's supposed to coat the sores and provide some temporary relief.

17-02-19, 14:35
Thank you.

17-02-19, 17:05
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19-02-19, 22:28
Hi there - if you are still suffering from Plantar Fasciitis, taping the foot is a great way to take the pressure off and allowing it to heal. I'm actually a Bowen Therapist which is a type of physical therapy and the way we deal with plantar fasciitis is to check that the pelvis is not out of alignment, causing pressure and pain on one side. We then strap the foot to take the pressure off and allow it to heal. Even if you just tape the foot, it is effective. Here is a video showing one method which usually works very well. You can also google and look for foot taping for plantar fasciitis. Good luck!


20-02-19, 10:13
Thank you.

04-04-19, 06:10
IÂ’m very worried now IÂ’ve had a viral infection for 3 months maybe 4. If you read my other posts everything will be on there. My coughs lasted the same. N feeling weak and lethargic. IÂ’ve only got to walk abit and I have to keep stopping my legs feel tired weak achy and lethargic. But recently my legs went better but ther back again. I did go to the doctors last month or the month before. And thatÂ’s when he said I got viral. I took week off work with it aswell. And now this mornin I aint at work all because I canÂ’t hardly walk. And I got school run. ItÂ’s all imbarrising me keep stopping. But IÂ’m too scared to go to doctors. People had to force me before. Please help me.

04-04-19, 06:29
We can't do anything for you. If you really are sick, you need to suck it up and go to your doctor.

04-04-19, 06:40
Seconding Iofwyr. I know doctors are scary, but this is way beyond the scope of an internet forum.

04-04-19, 08:54

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04-04-19, 09:43

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It’s making me upset because I realy can’t go to doctors. I fear the worst.

04-04-19, 09:56
I am sorry if it upset you, it was just a bit confusing not knowing what the back story was.

Do you have any friends or family who can help support you?

Even with your physical issues, it does sound like you could do with some emotional support and help with your anxiety.

04-04-19, 17:02
Hi Ellen. At this point I do feel like I need support. My family ain't that bothers to be honest. Thanks for your support.

06-04-19, 06:59
Been up all night on and off with this hacking cough bad head and now since last night I think I got thrush. I’ve got stop being a big baby and I have to go to doctors. But as some of you may know with health anxiety you fear the worst.

07-04-19, 10:00
I have to my virus and cough and fatigue have been going on for 3-4months. I feel so Ill.

07-04-19, 10:11
I’m glad you’re going to the doctors. Maybe you have a chest infection? But it could just be a virus. I’ve had similar for 2 months and have had antibiotics. My doctor said that it is just hanging around for longer at the moment.

Possibly your worry about it is making it worse. But I’m sure you’ll be better soon.

07-04-19, 10:14
Thank you. Yes my worry is definitely making it worse. I will let you know how I get on.

07-04-19, 14:42

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08-04-19, 09:14
Went over to see if I could get in and I did it’s at 10am this morning. But I was shaking heart pounding. N still feel like it. I’m scared what he’s going to say. And when I got back I felt like I couldn’t breath.

08-04-19, 09:16
Not long now - will be thinking of you!

08-04-19, 09:42
Thank you. I realy feel anxious.

08-04-19, 09:51
It'll all be okay, I promise. You're doing the right thing.

08-04-19, 12:39
well ive got bronchitis and caniston fr my thrush. he checked me over like last time all was perfect he sed. BUT beins its been going on for a long time like 3-4 mnths he said just for a precaution its best to have a chest xray. so of course I was asking him quistions like do you think I got something wrong with me. he said no its just because how long you've had it. but he did keep telling me I'm ok. told me to rest and he gave me sheet on bronchitis and ways to help

08-04-19, 12:52
Chest X-Ray is standard procedure for any kind of chest infection. I had one a couple of weeks ago. It's absolutely nothing to worry about.

08-04-19, 13:09
I've had numerous chest x-rays. It's a very standard thing

08-04-19, 14:32

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08-04-19, 17:00
Think my antibiotics making me sick. I’ve had 2 today like doctor said. But when I was sick only once. It looked like blood but I did finish my sons slush puppy off and that was bright red. But I freaked out. It’s been about 15-20mins since I was sick. But I still feel sick. I’m frightened

08-04-19, 19:37
Antibiotics can make you sick. Does it say when to take them? With food or without? If it continues, speak to your doctor or pharmacist about the best way to deal with it.

It wasn’t blood.