View Full Version : Can anxiety affect one or two muscles in body only?

04-04-19, 14:34
Does anyone have any problems that relate to muscle problems (aches, pains, soreness, fatigue, etc) that only affect one area of their body.?

My right leg and arm seems to be the thing for me right now. For about 6 months I’ve had this issue with my arm. I went to 2 doctors and a physio and they both said it’s not a big deal. It gets quite tired when I try to lift someting. My strength is there so the doctors aren’t really worried. 

But over the last few months my right leg has been sore. It used to tingle a bit near the feet, however that has since gone away. Now the aches move around from the thigh muscles to knee. I really feel it when climbing stairs. Could his be muscle tension? Would muscle tension only affect one part of your body or does it depend?

04-04-19, 14:56
In my experience anxiety can definitely affect just one area or just one muscle. In fact that's the way it usually happens for me and the more I focus on that one area, the worse it gets and the longer it lasts.
Trust your doctors they have years of training and experience and would know if your symptoms were something serious.

04-04-19, 15:47
Thanks Becky!
What happens to your muscles? Are they sore weak?

04-04-19, 16:06
Yes, it aches and the more I focus on it the worse it gets. I think I become so tense that the muscle goes into spasm. Once I had a painful muscle in my back, and through anxiety it got so bad I couldn't walk because of the pain, just lay on my bed. Anxiety definitely affects muscles and more anxiety about the symptoms just aggravates it.k

04-04-19, 16:56
Please read my posts, I'm so weak and lethargic on climbing stairs or just a bit of walking I have to stop because I'm that weak my legs are my main issue, I've had it for about 3-4 months along with a viral infection.

04-04-19, 17:24
Im not a doctor, but since you've already seen doctors and a physio it doesn't seem to be anything serious.
I don't know how bad your anxiety is, but I do know with anxiety we tend to focus on one symptom until it feels much worse than it actually is.
I also know with anxiety I get weakness in my legs, I think they refer to it as jelly legs.
Sorry that I'm not more help.
I can only suggest that you go back to the Doctor and ask him what he thinks could be causing it. And don't forget to mention if you do have anxiety.

05-04-19, 15:24
Anyone else have any experience hat can help?!

08-04-19, 13:58

10-04-19, 21:17
For me it’s started with my legs almost like sciatica pain and then it went to just one leg pulling burning pain, that eased off and stopped and then it went to my neck ,shoulder and arm seen physio who said it was anxiety related and because as a female I felt the pain in my breast as well, they did a breast examination just incase was given some excercises to do and was on my way ... it eventually calmed down though my anxiety hasn’t ... it’s on bowel cancer at the moment 😩