View Full Version : Family Worries

04-04-19, 20:17
Hello everyone,this isn't for me but it's for my dad for who i'm really worried about. So my dad has Type 2 diabetes and he has to take insulin and check his sugar daily.He also has to use a catheter as well since his bladder is messed up. From what I know,my dad recently is having symptoms such as shaking,feeling tired and somewhat feverish. According to my dad,he thinks he is septic and this isn't the first time he was diagnosed with this scary infection(this happened a month ago along with a UTI which is the reason he has to use a catheter possibly for the rest of his life). We also think it might be stress from his job,low blood sugar or a high dosage of insulin he takes that was ruled by his doctor.
If anyone knows what is going on,please let me know and help me calm down my anxiety. I don't want something worse to happen to him. I'm seventeen years old. As of right now,he is taking a nap to see if he feels all right and if not,we are going to take him to a hospital or his other doctor where hr gets daily check-ups on his health

04-04-19, 20:22
I'm so very sorry, that sounds terrifying!

Thinking of you and your family.