View Full Version : First bad panic attack in 3 years

05-04-19, 09:21
Just want to thank anyone in advance who takes the time to read this :)
I’m an 18 year old girl who had very severe anxiety when I was 16. I learned how to control it and this site has helped me incredibly.
I honestly thought I would never have a panic attack over irrational thoughts again like me thinking I’m having a heart attack.... Well that’s exactly what’s happening! I always told myself that it’s super rare for a healthy 18 year old to have one. And I just saw on the news that’s a famous girl my age died from one and everything just hit me. All my emotions just totally smacked me in the face and I’m currently having a panic attack late at night.
And coincidentally I saw a post on IG that states “warning signs/symptoms you’re having a panic attack”
It’s been so long since I’ve had a panic attack and the symptoms are so similar to a heart attack. I’m feeling very light headed, this feeling of fullness in my throat (if that makes sense), sweating, shaking, rapid heart beat.

Honestly, I’m just hear looking for reassurance cause I don’t want to experience all of this again like how I did when I was 16. :(

05-04-19, 09:29
Breathe. It's a panic attack; you'll be okay.

All you have to do is wait it out.

05-04-19, 10:00
Honestly, I’m just hear looking for reassurance cause I don’t want to experience all of this again like how I did when I was 16. :(

It's very unlikely you will, because you don't have to re-learn all the tools again from scratch.

It's fairly common for people to have relapses with anxiety, but just remember and apply what you learned before. The only thing that can make it all happen again is you, by reacting to your sensations with anxiety. As BlueIris said, just breathe, meditate, use whatever tools you learned before. A heart attack at your age is just not going to happen (even though it can happen it's less than one in a million). Don't google, don't check, just accept it's happening and once it's over carry on as usual.

You will be fine.