View Full Version : Right sided chest pain when bending neck forward.

05-04-19, 16:53
I’m 19 and I have been getting this sharp pain in the right side of my chest for about a year but it’s been kind of infrequent and kind of dull for the past year. In the past month or two, I started noticing when I bend my head and neck forward, it replicates the pain and it’s very sharp. I keep thinking I have lung cancer or something else wrong in that area. I have a history of SEVERE health anxiety but this pain is just pretty bad when I bend my neck and head forward or around. Hope you guys can help to reassure me or give me your opinions.. Thanks in advance.

06-04-19, 03:39
Any ideas?

06-04-19, 11:52
Any ideas?

Patient: Doc, it hurts when I do _______
Doctor: Don't do that!

Positive thoughts